# $Id: //depot/scm/scripts/p4syncit.pl#6 $
# Copyright (c) 2000, Sandy Currier (sandy@releng.com)
# Distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# first, see if unix or NT or what...
# need a recent version of perl on NT to have win32 module/config stuff
require 5.004;
unless ($Platform{'os'}) {
unless ($Platform{'os'} = $^O) {
require Config;
$Platform{'os'} = $Config::Config{'osname'};
$Platform{'os'} = $Config::Config{'osname'}; # compiler warning
# bottom layer OS specific variables/constants
if ($Platform{'os'} =~ /cygwin/i) {
# ugh - a cygwin perl
$Platform{'os'} = "unix";
$Platform{'pd'} = '/';
$Platform{'p4glue'} = "-d `cygpath -aw \${PWD}`";
elsif ($Platform{'os'}=~/Win/i) {
# win32
if (exists($ENV{'BASH'}) or $ENV{'OSTYPE'} eq "cygwin") {
# ugh - a windows perl running in a cygwin environment
die "Window's perl not supported under cygwin environment - use [/cc]/usr/local/bin/perl instead\n";
} else {
$Platform{'os'} = "win32";
$Platform{'pd'} = '\\';
} else {
# unix
$Platform{'os'} = "unix";
$Platform{'pd'} = '/';
# Unbuffer STDERR and STDOUT
$| = 1; # Make STDERR be unbuffered.
$| = 1; # STDOUT too so, they can mix.
# set up some globals
# Note: assume that the PATH EV is going to be used to find p4
$ThisCmd = "p4mergeit.pl"; # this command name
$P4 = "p4 $Platform{'p4glue'}"; # the p4 command to execute
$vb = ">>>";
$err = "***";
$printonly = 0;
$verbose = 2;
$maxlevel = 128;
$Error{'Errors'} = $Error{'Warnings'} = 0;
# local variables
%ClientInfo = (); # the client object
$rollup = 0; # weird switch
$plevel = 1;
$i_arg = "";
$d_arg = "";
# now parse any args
# the usage message (for -h or on error)
$help = "$ThisCmd <filespec options to p4 integ> [options]
$ThisCmd assumes that a client has be sync'ed
Will execute the specified 'p4 integ ...' command with the -n
switch set. Will then parse the output and create a list of changes
that can be selected. The default action is to NOT rollup the changes.
This is the Perforce default selective merge model.
If the -rollup switch is specified, then dependent changes are rolled
up. That is, if you select change 123 and that change includes 120,
and that change includes 115, then all 3 changes will be selected
when 123 is selected. This is model is similar to ClearCase's UCM
model or Paul Smith's Bay Networks model.
Care should be taken at all times.
<filespec options to p4 integ>
Filespec args passed to 'p4 integ' - can be any
supported syntax
-h Prints this help message
-n Print only - do not perform the sync
In this case, will list changes and files to be
-plevel <num> Sets the prompt level. (def=$plevel)
0 = no prompting whatsoever
1 = some prompting
2 = lots of prompting
-rollup If specified, will roll up dependent changes,
effectively pulling in only parts the dependent
-i Invoke 'p4 integ' commands with the -i switch
-d Invoke 'p4 integ' commands with the -d switch
# parse command line
my($param) = 0;
while($i <= $#ARGV) {
# scan for a help switch
if ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-h/i) {
&DieHelp("", $help);
# scan for switches
elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-rollup/i) {
$rollup = 1;
elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-n/i) {
$printonly = 1;
elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-i/i) {
$i_arg = "-i";
elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-d/i) {
$d_arg = "-d";
# scan for variable definitions (-variable value)
elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-\w+/ and defined($ARGV[$i+1]) and $ARGV[$i+1] !~ /^-[^-]/) {
# NOTE: nt has a difficult time with '=' on a command line...
# process any variable value switches
my($var) = $ARGV[$i];
$var =~ s/^-//;
my($value) = $ARGV[$i+1];
if (defined $$var) {
$$var = $value;
else {
&DieHelp("Unknown parameter '$var'\n", $help);
else {
# swallow files or a changeset
$p4Args = $ARGV[$i];
$i++; $param++;
# make sure that a valid client is selected
my($client_string) = "Client name: ";
my($root_string) = "Client root: ";
my($cwd_string) = "Current directory: ";
my(@tmp, @info);
@info = &ExecuteP4Cmd("$P4 info", $verbose);
&TheEnd() if ($?);
# now get client name
@tmp = grep(/^$client_string/,@info); # grep out the client name
$ClientInfo{'clientname'} = &other2unix($tmp[0]); # transfer to a scalar
$ClientInfo{'clientname'} =~ s/^$client_string//; # ditch the uninteresting part
if ($ClientInfo{'clientname'} eq "") { # check things
die "$ThisCmd - something wrong - no client name found from p4 info output";
&PrintMessage("Client name: $ClientInfo{'clientname'}");
# get the client root
@tmp = grep(/^$root_string/,@info); # grep out the client name
$ClientInfo{'clientroot'} = &other2unix($tmp[0]); # transfer to a scalar
$ClientInfo{'clientroot'} =~ s/^$root_string//; # ditch the uninteresting part
if ($ClientInfo{'clientroot'} eq "") { # check things
die "$ThisCmd - something wrong - no client name found from p4 info output";
&PrintMessage("Client root: $ClientInfo{'clientroot'}");
# get the ClientInfo{'cwd'}
@tmp = grep(/^$cwd_string/,@info); # grep out the client name
$ClientInfo{'cwd'} = &other2unix($tmp[0]); # transfer to a scalar
$ClientInfo{'cwd'} =~ s/^$cwd_string//; # ditch the uninteresting part
if ($ClientInfo{'cwd'} eq "") { # check things
die "$ThisCmd - something wrong - no cwd found from p4 info output";
&PrintMessage("cwd : $ClientInfo{'cwd'}");
# algorithm:
# list all revisions of all files that need to be integrated
# get the list of changes from this list, noting if any are incomplete
# continued with p4syncit.pl algorithm below (except merging instead
# of syncing)
# retrieve the files and revisions that need merging
my($tmp, @null);
my($script) = "$P4 integ $i_arg $d_arg -n $p4Args";
&PrintRaw("$vb Retrieving files that need integrating...");
@filestobeintegrated = &ExecuteP4Cmd($script);
&TheEnd() if ($?);
$tmp = scalar(@filestobeintegrated);
&PrintRaw(" found $tmp file(s) to be integrated\n");
if ($verbose > 1) {
foreach my $chg (@filestobeintegrated) {
unless ($tmp) {
&PrintNote("All files have already been integrated - exiting");
# cache just the numbers in a hash
foreach my $thing (@filestobeintegrated) {
my($file, $name, $target);
if ($thing =~ /^([^\#]+)\#\d+ - integrate from (\/\/.+)$/o or # normal integrate
$thing =~ /^([^\#]+)\#\d+ - branch.sync from (\/\/.+)$/o or # initial branch of an element
$thing =~ /^([^\#]+)\#\d+ - sync.integrate from (\/\/.+)$/o) { # the baseless merge crap
$target = $1;
$name = $file = $2;
$name =~ s|\#.*$||; # remove range
$targets{$name} = $target;
if (!$name) {
print "help -$thing\n";
if ($file =~ /\#(\d+),\#(\d+)$/o) {
$revranges{$name}{'what'} = "$1,$2";
$revranges{$name}{'range'} = 1;
for ($i=$1; $i<=$2; $i++) {
push @{$revranges{$name}{'vals'}}, $i;
} else {
$file =~ /\#(\d+)$/o;
$revranges{$name}{'what'} = $1;
$revranges{$name}{'max'} = 1;
push @{$revranges{$name}{'vals'}}, $1;
} else {
&PrintError("Internal error - could not parse output line\n$thing");
# with the source files and their revision ranges, determine the changes
&PrintRaw("$vb Generating changes that need integrating...");
foreach my $file (sort(keys(%revranges))) {
&GetFileLog(\%FileLogs, $file);
foreach my $rev (@{$revranges{$file}{'vals'}}) {
my($change) = $FileLogs{$file}{'revmap'}{$rev};
push @MIAChanges, $change;
# unique sort this list...
if (!scalar(@MIAChanges)) {
&PrintRaw(" found nothing to integrate\n");
@MIAChanges = &MergeArrays(\@MIAChanges, \@null);
$tmp = scalar(@MIAChanges);
&PrintRaw(" found $tmp change(s) to be integrated\n");
# the loop over changes block
# prompt for changes
my($tmp, $list, @output, %users);
@tmp = sort sortbynumber (@MIAChanges);
$list = join(',', @tmp);
@MIAChanges = @tmp;
@output = &ExecuteP4Cmd("$P4 changes -s submitted \@$MIAChanges[0],\@$MIAChanges[$#MIAChanges]");
&PrintMessage("Here is a list of acceptable changes to select from:\n$list");
foreach my $chg (@output) {
# print the short change into
if ($chg =~ /^Change $tmp[$#tmp] /) {
# a match
pop @tmp;
$chg =~ s|\s*$||; # remove trailing spaces
$chg =~ /\d\d by (\S+)\s/;
$users{$1} = 1;
foreach (sort(keys(%users))) {
&PrintRaw("\nPlease enter a comma seperated list of change numbers\n");
&PrintRaw("(q to quit; p#### to print) ");
$list = <STDIN>;
if ($list =~ /^q/) {
elsif ($list =~ /^[0-9,\s]+$/) {
# close enough - take it
$list =~ s|,| |g;
@UserNumbers = split('\s+', $list);
$tmp = &CheckChanges(\@UserNumbers, 1);
goto loop if ($tmp);
elsif ($list =~ /^p([0-9]+)$/) {
my($tmp, @tmp);
$tmp[0] = $1;
$tmp = &CheckChanges(\@tmp, 1);
goto loop if ($tmp);
&GetDescription(\%Descriptions, $tmp[0]);
foreach my $line (@{$Descriptions{'raw'}{$tmp[0]}}) {
goto loop;
elsif ($list =~ /^p/) {
# print out the one line changes
foreach (@MIAChanges) {
my($output) = &ExecuteP4Cmd("$P4 changes -s submitted \@$_,\@$_");
$output =~ s|\s*$||; # remove trailing spaces
$output =~ /\d\d by (\S+)\s/;
$users{$1} = 1;
# now print users
$output = "";
foreach (sort(keys(%users))) {
$output = "$output,$_";
$output =~ s|^,||;
print "$output\n";
goto loop;
else {
&PrintNote("Invalid input - try just entering change numbers separated by comma's");
goto loop;
# at this point, have a valis list of changes
# algorithm:
# 1) first, call &UpdateUserFileInfo which will
# - get the change description for all supplied changes (cached)
# - for each file in the change, get the filelog info and baseline version (cached)
# - generate the %UserFileRevs and %UserFileRevsDups hash
# 2) loop over the files being updated
# - record all changes for any revision (per file) being sucked in (smartly)
# 3) if anything is incoming, query
# 4) if yes, add those changes to list and goto step 1)
# Note: this will loop until no more new changes are being sucked in
# the following hashes are defined above:
# @MIAChanges - ordered list of changes after the baseline (fully/partially not in)
# @UserNumbers - ordered list of selected changes to add/sync to baseline
# %UserFileRevs - {$file} = $revision (selected/latest past baseline)
# %UserFileRevsDups - {$file}{$revision} = $chg (the missing change)
# %Descriptions - {$chg}{$file} = $revision (revision in the changelist)
# the following hashes are defined below:
# %FileLogs - {$file}{$revision} = $chg (the change for that revision)
# do it once, then maybe again, then maybe again...
my(%missingchanges, %allmissingchanges);
my($list, $changecount, $level, $ans);
$level = 0;
$filerevcount = 0;
if ($level > $maxlevel) {
&PrintError("Recursion level exceeded max ($maxlevel). Set it (-maxlevel) higher.");
# loop over all missing changes that need to be pulled in
foreach my $file (sort(keys(%UserFileRevs))) {
&PrintMessage("Inspecting $file");
# can determine the changes that are missing
for ($i=$BaseLineRevs{$file}+1; $i<$UserFileRevs{$file}; $i++) {
# if here, then this $i rev is being skipped for $file
# set the value to the change number
# Note: important to skip those eclipsed changes that have already been covered
if (!exists($UserFileRevsDups{$file}{$i})) {
# print if not in %UserFileRevsDups
if ($i == 1) {
&PrintNote(" Overlap on change $FileLogs{$file}{'revmap'}{$i} - new file (add) via rev $i");
} else {
&PrintNote(" OverLap on change $FileLogs{$file}{'revmap'}{$i} - new file (edit) via rev $i");
$missingchanges{$FileLogs{$file}{'revmap'}{$i}} = 1;
$allmissingchanges{$FileLogs{$file}{'revmap'}{$i}} = 1;
# now print and so something
$list = join(',', sort sortbynumber (keys(%missingchanges)));
$changecount = scalar(keys(%missingchanges));
if ($changecount) {
&PrintMessage("Overlapping change summary for all files:\n $list\n");
# if rollup, walk the list and add all dependencies
if ($plevel >= 2) {
&PrintRaw("Found $filerevcount file and $changecount change overlap(s)!\n");
if ($rollup) {
&PrintRaw("Continue? (q to quit, y to proceed, changenumber to describe) [y] ");
else {
&PrintRaw("No rollup has been specified - continue and ignore possible\n");
&PrintRaw("incomplete changes? [y] ");
$ans = <STDIN>;
if ($ans =~ /^q/) {
elsif (!$rollup and ($ans eq "" or $ans =~ /^y/i)) {
# continue on anyway
elsif ($ans eq "" or $ans =~ /^y/i) {
# continue
# now pull in all the dependent changes by adjusting:
# 1) @UserNumbers - so to record all incoming changes
foreach my $foo (keys(%missingchanges)) {
push @UserNumbers, $foo;
# sort it
@UserNumbers = &SortNumerically(@UserNumbers);
# 2) %UserFileRevs and %UserFileRevsDups with the additional changes
# 3) undef %missingchanges so to be able to loop again
undef %missingchanges;
# 4) do it until done
goto transitive_loop;
elsif ($ans =~ /^([0-9]+)$/ or $ans =~ /^p([0-9]+)$/) {
my($tmp, @tmp);
$tmp[0] = $1;
$tmp = &CheckChanges(\@tmp, 1);
goto loop2 if ($tmp);
&GetDescription(\%Descriptions, $tmp[0]);
foreach my $line (@{$Descriptions{'raw'}{$tmp[0]}}) {
goto loop2;
else {
goto loop2;
else {
if ($plevel >= 1) {
$list = join(',', sort sortbynumber (keys(%allmissingchanges)));
$changecount = scalar(keys(%allmissingchanges));
if ($changecount) {
&PrintMessage("Overlapping change summary for all files:\n $list\n");
&PrintRaw("Continue? (q to quit, y to proceed, p#### to print) [y] ");
else {
&PrintRaw("\nFound no overlapping changes - proceed? [y] ");
$ans = <STDIN>;
if ($ans =~ /^q/) {
elsif ($ans eq "" or $ans =~ /^y/i) {
# continue on anyway
elsif ($ans =~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
my($tmp, @tmp);
$tmp[0] = $ans;
$tmp = &CheckChanges(\@tmp, 1);
goto loop3 if ($tmp);
&GetDescription(\%Descriptions, $ans);
foreach my $line (@{$Descriptions{'raw'}{$ans}}) {
goto loop3;
else {
else {
&PrintMessage("Found no more overlapping changes - proceeding");
# now, merge (preview) files beyond the baseline
&MergeFiles(\%UserFileRevs, \%targets);
# the end
# subroutines (these should come from an include file, but not
# enough time now to set it up)
# will merge files
sub MergeFiles {
my($filerev, $targets) = @_;
my($string, $cmd);
if ($printonly) {
$cmd = "$P4 integ $i_arg $d_arg -n";
else {
$cmd = "$P4 integ $i_arg $d_arg";
foreach my $file (sort(keys(%{$filerev}))) {
my($src) = "$file\#$$filerev{$file}";
my($dest) = $$targets{$file};
my($script) = "$cmd \"$src\" \"$dest\"";
&ExecuteP4Cmd($script, $verbose, 1);
# will loop over all changes and make sure that all descriptions have been filled in
# returns 1 if there were new files, 0 otherwise
sub UpdateUserFileInfo {
my($new) = 0;
# reverse the list - guarantees a simple graph
foreach my $chg (reverse(sort sortbynumber (@UserNumbers))) {
my($tmp) = &GetDescription(\%Descriptions, $chg);
if ($tmp) { # only if new
foreach my $file (sort(keys(%{$Descriptions{$chg}}))) {
# if this file is the first revision to be hit, record; otherwise, note
if (!exists($UserFileRevs{$file})) {
$UserFileRevs{$file} = $Descriptions{$chg}{$file};
else {
# duplicate - warn
&PrintNote("Note: ignoring rev $Descriptions{$chg}{$file} during \@$chg for $file\#$UserFileRevs{$file}") if ($verbose > 1);
# but, need to record this for later
$UserFileRevsDups{$file}{$Descriptions{$chg}{$file}} = $chg;
# get the filelog output
&GetFileLog(\%FileLogs, $file); # returns it in %FileLog (cached)
# get the list of already integrated changes
&GetIntegratedRevs(\%BaseLineRevs, $file); # returns it in %BaseLineRevs (cached)
# returns 1 if new, 0 if existing
sub GetDescription {
my($hashref, $chg) = @_;
if (!exists($$hashref{$chg}{'file'})) {
$script = "$P4 describe -s $chg";
@{$$hashref{'raw'}{$chg}} = &ExecuteP4Cmd("$script");
# see if @output contains a files
foreach my $line (@{$$hashref{'raw'}{$chg}}) {
# if not a valid file line, punt and go to next one
next unless ($line =~ /^\.\.\. \/\//);
$line =~ s|^\.\.\. ||; # remove beginning text
my($file, $revision, $action) = &SplitFilename3($line);
$$hashref{$chg}{$file} = $revision;
# returns 1 if new, 0 if existing
sub GetIntegratedRevs {
my($hashref, $file) = @_;
my($script, @output, $tmp, $rev);
if (!exists($$hashref{$file})) {
$script = "$P4 integrated \"$file\"";
@output = &ExecuteP4Cmd($script);
if ($output[0] =~ /^error: /i) {
# file is being added later
$$hashref{$file} = 0;
else {
($tmp, $rev) = split(/\#/, $output[0], 2);
$rev =~ s|^([0-9]+).*$|$1|;
$$hashref{$file} = $rev;
# returns 1 if new, 0 if existing
sub GetFileLog {
my($hashref, $file) = @_;
my($script) = "$P4 filelog \"$file\"";
if (!exists($$hashref{$file}{'raw'})) {
@{$$hashref{$file}{'raw'}} = &ExecuteP4Cmd($script);
# hash it
foreach my $line (@{$$hashref{$file}{'raw'}}) {
next unless ($line =~ /^\.\.\. \#/o);
$line =~ /^\.\.\. \#([0-9]+) change ([0-9]+) /o;
$$hashref{$file}{'revmap'}{$1} = $2;
sub CheckChanges {
my($arrayref, $error_p) = @_;
foreach my $chg (@{$arrayref}) {
if (!grep(/^$chg$/, @MIAChanges)) {
push @badchanges, $chg;
if (scalar(@badchanges)) {
my($list) = join(',', (sort sortbynumber (@badchanges)));
&PrintError("The following specified changes cannot be added:\n$list") if ($error_p);
# will convert a random OS delimited pathname to a perl pathname
sub other2unix {
my($filename) = @_;
my($pattern) = $Platform{'pd'};
$pattern =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g; # escape wildchars
$filename =~ s|$pattern|/|g;
return("/") if ($filename =~ /^\/+$/); # if just /+, return just /
if ($filename =~ /^\/\//) {
# add them back in later
$filename =~ s|/+|/|g; # remove doubles
$filename = "/$filename";
else {
$filename =~ s|/+|/|g; # remove doubles
# remove trailing
$filename =~ s|/+$||;
sub DieHelp {
my($str, $help) = @_;
print STDOUT "$err $str\nUsage: $help";
# Note: this will actually execute any command...
# returns the action of the revision of the specified file#revision
sub ExecuteP4Cmd {
my($script, $verbose, $print_output, $no_error_check, $stream_p) = @_;
if ($stream_p) {
print $stream_p "$vb running: $script\n" if ($verbose);
else {
print STDOUT "$vb running: $script\n" if ($verbose);
if (!$Platform{'nt'} and $Platform{'os'} eq "win32") {
@output = `$script`;
else {
@output = `$script 2>&1`;
if ($stream_p) {
if ($print_output) {
foreach my $line (@output) {
print $stream_p $line;
} else {
if ($print_output) {
foreach my $line (@output) {
print STDOUT $line;
if (!$no_error_check and $?) {
# now what - just keep going
&PrintError("$ThisCmd - something happened with '$script'\n$?", $stream_p);
# can handle, somewhat, either # or @...
# Note: the output of a 'p4 change ...' will not be of the form
# ... //depot/main/scm/tests/bar#4 edit
# ... //depot/main/scm/tests/xxx#1 add
# ... //depot/main/scm/tests/zzz#1 add
# the output of s 'p4 files ...' will be something like
# //depot/main/scm/tests/foo#4 - edit change 1833 (text)
# try to handle both here...
sub SplitFilename3 {
my($thing) = @_;
my($f, $tmp, $r, $a, $d, $junk);
if ($thing =~ /\#/){
($f, $tmp) = split('#', $thing);
$d = "\#";
elsif ($thing =~ /\@/) {
($f, $tmp) = split('@', $thing);
$d = "\@";
else {
# hoping that the thing passed in is really a file...
$f = $thing;
return($f, $r, $a, $d) unless ($tmp); # if empty $tmp, just return now
if ($tmp =~ / - /) {
($r, $a) = split(/ - /, $tmp); # split on the first ' - ' (here's hoping again)
else {
# if no ' - ', split on first space...
($r, $a) = split(/ /, $tmp);
($a, $junk) = split(' ', $a); # just use first word
return($f, $r, $a, $d);
# should not be called by a server
sub TheEnd {
print STDOUT "$err exiting with $Error{'Errors'} Error(s) & $Error{'Warnings'} Warning(s)\n";
# exit with the number of errors in the bottom 16 bits
# and the number of warnings in the top
# Note: make sure that if things shift off, that error is at least still set
$tmp = $Error{'Warnings'} << 16;
$tmp |= $Error{'Errors'};
# explicitly set $! to the explicit value
# see the documentation on die
sub PrintError {
my($text, $stream_p) = @_;
# first, increment error count
# make sure $? is set
$? = 1;
# prepend with the correct prefix
$text =~ s/^(.*)$/$err $1/gm;
# store error away
push(@{$Error{'ErrorSummary'}}, $text);
# add a \n
$text = "$text\n";
# print and log (maybe)
if ($stream_p) {
print $stream_p "$text";
else {
print STDOUT "$text";
# will increment $Error{'Warnings'} and append $err to every line
sub PrintWarning {
my($text, $stream_p) = @_;
# first, increment warning count
# prepend with the correct prefix
$text =~ s/^(.*)$/$err $1/gm;
# store error away
push(@{$Error{'WarningSummary'}}, $text);
# add a \n
$text = "$text\n";
# print and log (maybe)
if ($stream_p) {
print $stream_p "$text";
else {
print STDOUT "$text";
# will append $vb to every line
sub PrintMessage {
my($text, $stream_p) = @_;
# prepend with the correct prefix
$text =~ s/^(.*)$/$vb $1/gm;
# add a \n
$text = "$text\n";
# print and log (maybe)
if ($verbose) {
if ($stream_p) {
print $stream_p "$text";
else {
print STDOUT "$text";
# will append $err to every line (but not set or increment any error variables)
sub PrintNote {
my($text, $stream_p) = @_;
# prepend with the correct prefix
$text =~ s/^(.*)$/$err $1/gm;
# add a \n
$text = "$text\n";
# print and log (maybe)
if ($stream_p) {
print $stream_p "$text";
else {
print STDOUT "$text";
sub PrintRaw {
my($text, $stream_p) = @_;
# print and log (maybe)
if ($stream_p) {
print $stream_p "$text";
else {
print STDOUT "$text";
sub SortNumerically {
my(@array) = @_;
return(sort sortbynumber @array);
sub sortbynumber {
my($tmpa) = $a;
my($tmpb) = $b;
$tmpa <=> $tmpb;
sub min {
my($a, $b) = @_;
return($a) if ($a <= $b);
# something to chew windows and unix trailings off
sub mychomp{
my($ptr) = @_;
if (ref($ptr) eq "ARRAY") {
foreach my $s (@$ptr) {
$s =~ s|[\n\r]*$||;
elsif (ref($ptr) eq "SCALAR") {
$$ptr =~ s|[\n\r]*$||;
else {
die "internal error - unknown reference to mychomp\n";
# uniquely merge two lists (comma separated) and order the result
# Note: typeofsort can be nil, "patchname"
sub MergeArrays {
my($aref, $bref, $typeofsort) = @_;
my(@foo, %out);
return("") if (scalar(@{$aref}) == 0 && scalar(@{$bref}) == 0); # even if one list is nil, sort the other...
if (scalar(@{$aref})) {
foreach $foo (@{$aref}) {
$out{$foo} = 1;
if (scalar(@{$bref})) {
foreach $foo (@{$bref}) {
$out{$foo} = 1;
# select a type of sort
if ($typeofsort eq "number") { # a number sort
@foo = sort sortbynumber (keys(%out));
else { # a normal sort
@foo = sort(keys(%out));
sub HandleSystemErrors {
if ($? & 127) {
# signal - stop
&PrintError("Aborting on user interrupt\n$?");
if ($? & 128) {
# dumped core
&PrintError("Error: dumped core - aborting\n$!");
if ($? >> 8) {
# normal build error