# Example trigger to enforce a rule "files of suffix .x need to be checked
# in as type Z". (For example, ".gif" files must always be "binary" and ".sh"
# files should always be "text".)
# This script will do the following:
# 1. Return "success" (exit code 0) if the change has
# no applicable files in the changelist;
# 2. Otherwise, it checks that the files you've given are
# being submitted with the other component in that pair, and
# if not, reports an error.
# Unix usage:
# perl /whatever/Pairs.pl %changelist% %serverport% %client%
# NT usage:
# c:/perl/bin/perl c:/whatever/Pairs.pl %changelist% %serverport% %client%
# (Note that the name of this script might need to be an "8.3" filename,
# depending on the version of Perl you're running.)
# Example 'triggers' section:
# (Note: since this is applicable to only filenames with certain suffixes, you
# might want to restrict the trigger to run when those files are submitted.
# So, if this is looking at .cpp/.h/.txt/.html lines, you might want to have
# it run only on those files.)
# Triggers:
# exampleB //.../*.gif "perl whatever/Binary.pl %changelist% %serverport% %client%"
# exampleB //.../*.bmp "perl whatever/Binary.pl %changelist% %serverport% %client%"
# exampleB //.../*.sh "perl whatever/Binary.pl %changelist% %serverport% %client%"
# Tested on Platforms: FreeBSD, NT (as program, not service).
# Known bugs:
# 1. Perforce triggers have problems [at the moment] running when the
# Perforce server is running as an NT server.
$ChangeNum = $ARGV[0];
$ServerPort = $ARGV[1];
$ClientName = $ARGV[2];
$p4 = "p4 -p $ServerPort -c $ClientName";
$nerrs = 0;
$MaxErrs = 10;
$OptimizeErrorOutput = "yes";
#-------- enter the suffixes for the pairs, here -----------------------------------
$filetype{"sh"} = ".*text"; # x.sh is text
$errmsg{"sh"} = "filetype of .sh files should be text/xtext/ktext";
$filetype{"gif"} = ".*binary"; # x.gif is binary
$errmsg{"gif"} = "filetype of .gif files should be binary";
die "Changelist $ChangeNum (1st arg) needs to be numeric!\n" unless ($ChangeNum =~ /^\d+$/);
die "\%serverport\% (2nd arg) wasn't specified.\n" if ($ServerPort eq "");
die "\%clientname\% (3rd arg) wasn't specified.\n" if ($ClientName eq "");
@OpenedList = `$p4 opened`; # cannot use 'p4 describe -s changenum', so we
# get a list of open files this way...
# Algorithm used:
# Pry out the suffix/type for each file being submitted, and pass it to "CheckType".
# It'll pass back "-1" for each bad file type.
foreach (@OpenedList) {
next unless /^(\/\/.*)#1 - .*\s$ChangeNum\s\((\S+)\)\s.*/;
if (CheckType($1, $2, %filetype) < 0) {
if ($nerrs >= $MaxErrs) {
print "*** Only first $MaxErrs errors shown\n";
if ($nerrs > 0) {
print "Errors found, submission refused\n"; # Note, this prints to STDOUT. See above.
sub CheckType {
my($fname, $filetype, %filetypes) = @_;
my($suffix) = $1
if ($fname =~ /^.*\.([^\.]+)$/);
if ($1 ne "" && defined($filetypes{$suffix}) && $filetype !~ /^$filetypes{$suffix}/ ) {
print "$fname: $errmsg{$suffix}.\n";
return (-1);
return 0;