/* * Copyright 1993-2002 Christopher Seiwald and Perforce Software, Inc. * * This file is part of Jam - see jam.c for Copyright information. */ /* * filemac.c - manipulate file names and scan directories on macintosh * * External routines: * * file_dirscan() - scan a directory for files * file_time() - get timestamp of file, if not done by file_dirscan() * file_archscan() - scan an archive for files * * File_dirscan() and file_archscan() call back a caller provided function * for each file found. A flag to this callback function lets file_dirscan() * and file_archscan() indicate that a timestamp is being provided with the * file. If file_dirscan() or file_archscan() do not provide the file's * timestamp, interested parties may later call file_time(). * * 04/08/94 (seiwald) - Coherent/386 support added. * 12/19/94 (mikem) - solaris string table insanity support * 02/14/95 (seiwald) - parse and build /xxx properly * 05/03/96 (seiwald) - split into pathunix.c * 11/21/96 (peterk) - BEOS does not have Unix-style archives * 01/21/00 (malyn) - divorced from GUSI * 01/08/01 (seiwald) - closure param for file_dirscan/file_archscan * 11/04/02 (seiwald) - const-ing for string literals */ # include "jam.h" # include "filesys.h" # include "pathsys.h" # ifdef OS_MAC #include <Files.h> #include <Folders.h> # include <:sys:stat.h> void CopyC2PStr(const char * cstr, StringPtr pstr) { int len; for (len = 0; *cstr && len<255; pstr[++len] = *cstr++) ; pstr[0] = len; } /* * file_dirscan() - scan a directory for files */ void file_dirscan( const char *dir, scanback func, void *closure ) { PATHNAME f; char filename[ MAXJPATH ]; unsigned char fullPath[ 512 ]; FSSpec spec; WDPBRec vol; Str63 volName; CInfoPBRec lastInfo; int index = 1; /* First enter directory itself */ memset( (char *)&f, '\0', sizeof( f ) ); f.f_dir.ptr = dir; f.f_dir.len = strlen(dir); if( DEBUG_BINDSCAN ) printf( "scan directory %s\n", dir ); /* Special case ":" - enter it */ if( f.f_dir.len == 1 && f.f_dir.ptr[0] == ':' ) (*func)( closure, dir, 0 /* not stat()'ed */, (time_t)0 ); /* Now enter contents of directory */ vol.ioNamePtr = volName; if( PBHGetVolSync( &vol ) ) return; CopyC2PStr( dir, fullPath ); if( FSMakeFSSpec( vol.ioWDVRefNum, vol.ioWDDirID, fullPath, &spec ) ) return; lastInfo.dirInfo.ioVRefNum = spec.vRefNum; lastInfo.dirInfo.ioDrDirID = spec.parID; lastInfo.dirInfo.ioNamePtr = spec.name; lastInfo.dirInfo.ioFDirIndex = 0; lastInfo.dirInfo.ioACUser = 0; if( PBGetCatInfoSync(&lastInfo) ) return; if (!(lastInfo.dirInfo.ioFlAttrib & 0x10)) return; // ioDrDirID must be reset each time. spec.parID = lastInfo.dirInfo.ioDrDirID; for( ;; ) { lastInfo.dirInfo.ioVRefNum = spec.vRefNum; lastInfo.dirInfo.ioDrDirID = spec.parID; lastInfo.dirInfo.ioNamePtr = fullPath; lastInfo.dirInfo.ioFDirIndex = index++; if( PBGetCatInfoSync(&lastInfo) ) return; f.f_base.ptr = (char *)fullPath + 1; f.f_base.len = *fullPath; path_build( &f, filename, 0 ); (*func)( closure, filename, 0 /* not stat()'ed */, (time_t)0 ); } } /* * file_time() - get timestamp of file, if not done by file_dirscan() */ int file_time( const char *filename, time_t *time ) { struct stat statbuf; if( stat( filename, &statbuf ) < 0 ) return -1; *time = statbuf.st_mtime; return 0; } /* * file_archscan() - scan an archive for files */ void file_archscan( const char *archive, scanback func, void *closure ) { } # endif /* macintosh */
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 2522 | Miklos Fazekas | Graphisoft bugfix jam | ||
//guest/perforce_software/jam/src/filemac.c | |||||
#7 | 2493 | rmg |
Rewrite the past: update all jam's source with comments to reflect changes since about 2.3, very early 2001. Whitespace only change. === computer:1666: Change 37660 by seiwald@play-seiwald on 2002/11/06 22:41:35 Note: I regenerated jamgram.c on my linux 7.3 system prior to the submit, since patch was so unhappy trying to lay down the changes from Christopher's change. Presumably this is just due to different yacc/bison/whatever particulars on the system where Christopher made the changes originally. - rmg |
#6 | 2491 | rmg |
Some consting in jam to make it more compilable by C++ compilers. No functional change. === computer:1666: Change 37433 by perforce@perforce on 2002/10/30 16:08:51 Recreational const-ing of jam, for compilers that don't allow "string" to be passed as a non-const char *. This included a few places where we were modifying what could possibly have been read-only storage, oddly enough. No functional change. === computer:1666: Change 37602 by seiwald@play-seiwald on 2002/11/04 17:25:40 |
#5 | 1352 | rmg |
Integrates Change 350 by grant_glouser Change 352 by grant_glouser Resolved -ay, since the changes were already present in Jam 2.3 from other sources. (This change is for the benefit of the integration history, only.) |
#4 | 1319 | rmg |
Jam 2.3 + Perforce's internal changes. This change is a drop of the Perforce internal Jam changes since the 2.3 public release. The individual changes represented herein are preserved in the //guest/richard_geiger/intjam/ branch. The intent of this drop is to provide a base, from which other contributors' Jam branches may be integrated into. It is not intended to become a packaged release in this state. We will be integrating changes from other users prior to creating the next packaged release. Please refer to the src/RELNOTES file for an overview of the changes present in this integration. - Richard Geiger Open Source Engineer at Perforce |
#3 | 486 | Perforce staff |
Jam 2.3. See RELNOTES for a list of changes from 2.2.x. Just about every source file was touched when jam got ANSI-fied. |
#2 | 213 | Perforce staff | Peter Glasscock's MPW port. | ||
#1 | 2 | laura | Add Jam/MR 2.2 source |