// Copyright (c) 2001, Perforce Software, All rights reserved.
// See the LICENSE.TXT file for the full licensing info.
// $Date: 2003/09/05 $ $Rev$
This directory contains the source, documentation, and distribution for a
high-level Java API for Perforce. This is not a one-to-one mapping to the
Perforce API itself. This API represents the source control objects that are
present in Perforce, such as branches, users, clients, etc.
The classes provided act as a wrapper around low level calls to Perforce. These
calls are currently executed using the Perforce command line. There was some
effort put into JNI development, but that has not been pursued. Using these
classes instead of making direct calls, allows for continued use no matter what
the underlying implmementaion is. (i.e. Isn't encapsulation grand?)
Each of the source control objects also provide a toXML() method that can be
of great use.
In order to make use of these classes, you need only have Perforce installed
and the p4.jar file (found in the dist directory) on your Java CLASSPATH.
The Javadocs provided are the best source for usage information. Please refer
to them, and especially the package documentation page. This is all available
in the docs subdirectory.
In order to build from the sources, you can use the build tool ANT
(http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/) or you can build it directly.
o Directly
rm -rf build
mkdir build
javac -d build com/perforce/api/*.java
cd build
jar -cvf p4.jar com
o Using ANT
Assuming you have ANT installed and on your path, simply execute it:
ant clean
If you want to build the documentation, simply execute:
ant docs
I look forward to contributions. These high level classes have been very
successful for us. There are areas that need to be expanded upon. These are
the areas that we make little use of, like jobs. Please send any questions or
comments to me: david@markley.cc