- DocBook Assembly Stylesheets
- ==============================
- bobs@sagehill.net
- This directory provides XSL stylesheets for working with
- DocBook assemblies. It is intended to enable working with
- <topic> and <assembly> elements, as defined in DocBook 5.1
- and later.
- This kit currently supports most features of an assembly.
- See the "Unsupported Features" section below for details
- of what is not currently supported. These more advanced
- features will be supported as it is further developed.
- Content of this directory:
- --------------------------
- topic-maker-chunk.xsl - stylesheet to modularize an existing DB5 document.
- topic-maker.xsl - imported by topic-maker-chunk.xsl.
- assemble.xsl - stylesheet to process an <assembly> into a document.
- The toolkit consists of an assemble.xsl XSL stylesheet
- to process a DocBook <assembly> element to convert it
- to an assembled DocBook 5 document ready to be formatted.
- This stylesheet will enable users to structure a book from
- modular files.
- To make it easy to initially create a modular book, this
- kit also includes a topic-maker-chunk.xsl XSL stylesheet
- to break apart an existing DocBook 5 book into modular
- files, and also create the associated <assembly> document.
- Then you can run the assemble.xsl stylesheet to put it
- back together as a single DocBook document.
- To create an assembly and topic files from a book or article document
- =======================================================================
- If you have an existing DocBook 5 book or article document,
- you can convert it to an assembly and a collection of
- modular topic files. If you want to convert a DocBook 4
- document, you must first convert it to version 5.
- For example, to disassemble a DocBook 5 book document named book.xml:
- xsltproc --xinclude \
- --stringparam assembly.filename myassembly.xml \
- --stringparam base.dir topics/ \
- topic-maker-chunk.xsl \
- mybook.xml
- This command will result in a master assembly file named
- 'myassembly.xml' with a root element of <assembly>, containing
- a single <structure> element. It will also break up the
- content of the book into modular chunks that are output
- to the 'topics/' subdirectory as specified in the 'base.dir'
- parameter.
- Options
- ----------
- The name of the assembly file is set by the stylesheet param
- named 'assembly.filename', which should include the filename suffix.
- Modular files are output to the directory location specified
- by the 'base.dir' parameter. If you want them in the current
- directory, then don't set that param.
- By default the assembly element is output to the current
- directory, *not* into base.dir with the modular files.
- The <resources> element in the assembly has its xml:base
- attribute set to the value of 'base.dir', so that it is
- added to the paths to the modular files when processed.
- If you set the stylesheet param 'manifest.in.base.dir'
- to 1, then the assembly file is created in the base.dir
- directory and the xml:base attribute is omitted (since
- they are together in the same directory).
- If you want the assembly file in 'base.dir' instead of
- the current directory, then set the stylesheet param
- 'manifest.in.base.dir' to 1.
- The stylesheet chunks a document into modules at the
- same boundaries as the chunking XHTML stylesheet, because
- it reuses many of the chunking stylesheet templates.
- You can alter the chunking behavior with the same options
- as for XHTML chunking.
- For example, the stylesheet will chunk sections into topics
- down to section level 3 by default. To change that level,
- change the stylesheet param 'chunk.section.depth' to
- another value.
- Finer control of chunking can be achieved by using
- the <?dbhtml stop-chunking?> processing instruction in
- the source file.
- Many modular elements retain their original element name,
- such as glossary, bibliography, index, and such. By default, the
- stylesheet converts chapter, article, preface and section elements
- into <topic> modules. To change that list of
- converted element names, alter the stylesheet param named
- 'topic.elements'. If that param is empty, then no elements
- will be converted to <topic>, so they will all retain their
- original element names.
- Modular filenames use the same naming scheme as the chunking
- XHTML stylesheet, and supports the same file naming options such as
- the param 'use.id.as.filename', which is set to 1 by default.
- Note that the stylesheet param 'html.ext' is set to '.xml'
- because it is producing modular XML files, not HTML files.
- Root element conversion
- ------------------------
- By default, the root element of the original document is
- also converted to a module, and <structure> gets a resourceref
- attribute to reference it. If you set the stylesheet
- param 'root.as.resourceref' to zero, then the root element
- is handled differently, as described as follows.
- If the structure element does not have a resourcref
- attribute, the root element is constructed rather
- than copied from a resource. The structure element must
- have a renderas attribute (or its child output element must
- have such) to select the output root element name.
- Any content between the root element start tag and the
- first module is put into a resource with the original
- root element. To pull this content in, the first
- module in the structure points to this resource but
- uses a contentonly="yes" attribute. The effect of
- that attribute is to pull in all content *except*
- the root element of that resource.
- In general, if you have content that does not logically
- have its own container element, you can put the content
- into a suitable container element and then deselect the
- container element upon assembly with the contentonly="yes"
- attribute. That attribute can also be used to avoid
- pulling in a resource's xml:id when you want to change it.
- To process an <assembly> into an assembled DocBook document
- ==============================================================
- To convert an <assembly> and its associated modular
- files into a single DocBook document, process
- your assembly document with the assemble.xsl stylesheet.
- You should then be able to process the resulting
- document with a DocBook XSL formatting stylesheet.
- Useful params in assemble.xsl
- -----------------------------
- The $root.default.renderas param sets the name of the
- root element of the assembled document, if it is not
- otherwise specified with @renderas. Its default value
- is 'book'.
- The $topic.default.renderas param sets the name of the
- output element for any topic element included in the
- assembly, if it is not otherwise specified with
- @renderas. It's default value is 'section'.
- The $structure.id param lets you specify at runtime
- the id value of the structure you want to reassemble.
- This is only necessary if you have more than one
- structure element in your assembly.
- The $output.type param also lets you specify at runtime
- which structure element to process. In this case,
- the value should match on an @type attribute on
- the structure element.
- The $output.format param lets you specify at runtime
- which of several possible output formats are being generated.
- The param value is compared to the @format
- attribute on <output> elements to select specific properties
- for a module.
- Unsupported Features
- -----------------------
- The transforms and transform elements are currently ignored
- by the assembly stylesheet.
- The relationships and relationship elements are currently
- ignored by the assembly stylesheet.
- The filterin and filterout elements are not currently
- supported.
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 12728 | eedwards | Upgrade ANT doc build infrastructure to assemble PDFs: - remove non-namespaced DocBook... source and add namespaced DocBook source. - add Apache FOP 1.1 - copy fonts, images, XSL into _build, establishing new asset structure. The original structure remains until all guides using it can be upgraded, and several other issues can be resolved. - updated build.xml to allow for per-target build properties. - upgraded the P4SAG to use the new infrastructure. - tweaked admonition presentation in PDFs to remove admonition graphics, and resemble closely the presentation used in the new HTML layout, including the same colors. With these changes, building PDFs involves using a shell, navigating into the guide's directory (just P4SAG for now), and executing "ant pdf". Issues still to be resolved: - PDF generation encounters several warnings about missing fonts (bold versions of Symbol and ZapfDingbats), and a couple of locations where the page content exceeds the defined content area. - Due to issues within Apache FOP, PDF generation emits a substantial amount of output that is not easily suppressed without losing important warning information. - Apache FOP's interface to ANT does not expose a way to set the font base directory. The current configuration does work under Mac OSX, but further testing on Windows will need to be done to determine if the relative paths defined continue to work. The workaround is for Windows users to customize the fop-config.xml to provide absolute system paths to the required fonts. - HTML generation needs further browser testing, and exhibits broken navigation on iOS browsers within the TOC sidebar. - A number of PDF and HTML presentation tweaks still need to be made, for example: sidebars, gui* DocBook tags, whitespace, section separation, etc. « |
11 years ago |