Name | Modified | Size |
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images | ||
fop-config.xml | 10 years ago | 5 KB |
pdf-ko.xsl | 10 years ago | 8 KB |
pdf-zh.xsl | 10 years ago | 8 KB |
pdf.xsl | 10 years ago | 89 KB |
Change | User | Description | Committed |
12846 | eedwards | Adjust the FOP configuration to comment out fonts we normally use, but canno...t redistribute. « |
10 years ago |
12845 | eedwards | Tidy up the FOP configuration file, in preparation for setting up a Workshop-only version... that doesn't specify the fonts we use but are not licensed to redistribute. « |
10 years ago |
12834 | eedwards | Fix minor configuration issue where, if the specified monospace font was not available, a... serif font was specified as the fallback. Now the fallback is monospace. « |
10 years ago |
12828 | eedwards | #review-1028126 Update the logo for both PDF, HTML, and CHM output. Includes updated favi...con.ico for the HTML output. Includes some additional tweaks: - In the HTML presentation, the "book" icon (to access the PDF, if available) and the magnifying glass icon for searching both look more clickable, using colors from the latest design. - Also, both icons stick to the right edge of the doc content, rather than the right edge of the browser. - The background color in the HTML presentation is now plain white; the gradient image is removed. - The Google Analytics code is now included in the HTML presentation by default. Individual guides can disable this by setting the DocBook parameter Once this change is in place, subsequent generation of guides will incorporate these changes. « |
10 years ago |
12824 | eedwards | Add a <keycap> customization to apply a Unicode font to the special <keycap>... symbols. « |
10 years ago |
12821 | eedwards | Adjust the page margins for PDF output so that the inner and outer margins match. This... provides a greater line length on each page that should help with the formatting of complicated tables, at the risk of providing a poorer experience for anyone who prints+binds our guides. However, we think very few users print the guides, and very few of those likely go to the trouble of binding. « |
10 years ago |
12818 | eedwards |
Tweak the index presentation to use two columns, and the same font size at the body copy. |
10 years ago |
12817 | eedwards | Improve the presentation of indexes in PDF/HTML. | 10 years ago |
12815 | eedwards | Apply a slightly larger width to ordered list labels so that it doesn't look like the num...bers run into the content, especially when the numbering goes from 9 to 10. « |
10 years ago |
12813 | eedwards | Apply a 1" bottom border globally for PDF generation, to work around a page break bug in... Apache FOP. This configuration had been applied selectively to specific guides, but it appears we hit this problem frequently enough to do it globally. « |
10 years ago |
12805 | eedwards | Add a mechanism to remove a section from a TOC. In the CmdRef, the syntax, description,... usage notes, etc. appear in a standalone chapter. Each such chapter has very similar structure, and many appear on one page, so having the sub-sections appear in the TOC is not terribly useful for navigation purposes. Adding the attribute 'role="notoc"' prevents inclusion of the section's title in the enclosing TOC. This doesn't have any effect on the HTML presentation's navigation pane, just the PDF format's TOC. A future changelist will apply this feature to the CmdRef. « |
10 years ago |
12804 | eedwards | Add a new processing instruction <?chapterbreak?> which introduces one or two page... breaks so that following content appears on a recto page. A corresponding PI has been added to the HTML, which functions as a no-op, to avoid errors during transformation. This will help in the formatting of reference sections, where we prefer the content to appear in its own chapter, but still use recto pagination for each referenced item. « |
10 years ago |
12803 | eedwards | Add doc generation infrastructure to the translations of the server guides. These include Intro, P4Dist, P4Guide, and P4SAG (the 2014.1 versions). This change includes: - adding a lang attribute to each guide to specify either "ko_kr" or "zh_cn" as appropriate, to inform DocBook transformations which generated elements (including TOC, chapter headings, cross-reference link text) to use. - Included the English screenshots for Intro and P4Guide, since these were not translated. - Tweaked the way common XML files are included to not depend on relative path structure (since the translations are nested within the English guide directory). - The common XML files have not yet been translated, so PDF or HTML transformations still include English content. Also, the HTML presentation includes English for various items, such as the search pane; these too have not yet been translated. « |
10 years ago |
12800 | eedwards | Doc presentation tweaks: - For PDF cover page: - move logo to top-left from botto...m right - move title down - move subtitle near bottom - add <pubdate> presentation below subtitle (the <subtitle> now specifies the doc version) - tweaked font sizes - For HTML: - Add Perforce logo to header bar. - Add <subtitle> in brackets after guide title. « |
10 years ago |
12794 | eedwards | #review-907761 Fix a bug introduced in @901979 where we attempt to emit the chapter title... even when chapter.autolabel is disabled. Also, and I'm not sure if this is desirable in all cases, remove the cell in the chapter heading table that reports "Chapter n" when chapter.autolabel is disabled. This has no effect in most guides, but does affect the CmdRef. « |
11 years ago |
12792 | eedwards | A few updates to presentation for HTML and PDF: - Chapter cross-references no longer ap...pear in italics. - For PDF, <gui*> tag content renders in bold, to match the HTML output. - HTML cross-references to chapters now appears in quotation marks, but cross-references to sections now have the quotation marks removed. - A number of spacing issues in the HTML output between list items, admonitions, images, and a following paragraph have been resolved. « |
11 years ago |
12791 | eedwards | Improve the XSL that generates the 'Chapter X' designation on the first page of a chapter..., preface, or appendix such that a template is used for the entire string rather than just the word 'Chapter'. This makes it possible to use a template to translate this text properly. For example, the chapter number comes before the glyph for 'Chapter' in Chinese. There should be no visible difference for English guides. « |
11 years ago |
12790 | eedwards | Add Arial Unicode MS to the set of fonts used during PDF generation, to facilitate produc...tion of translated guides. « |
11 years ago |
12788 | eedwards | Improve PDF doc generation by using a dynamic path for font embedding within the FOP conf...iguration. This should help with docs that live outside of //depot/main/p4-doc/manuals (such as P4Convert) « |
11 years ago |
12767 | eedwards | Add a processing instruction that allows for page breaks at specific locations in the PDF... docs. A similar PI is added for HTML docs, but it is a no-op (since the chunking facility takes care of that) to avoid errors. To use it, add <?pagebreak?> into the XML source where a page break is desired. This will have no effect on existing guides. « |
11 years ago |
12748 | eedwards | Remove highlight.xsl, since the XSLTHL assets have been removed due to unacceptable outpu...t. « |
11 years ago |
12736 | eedwards |
Re-enable TOC generation for PDFs. Include some really minor XSL cleanup. |
11 years ago |
12728 | eedwards | Upgrade ANT doc build infrastructure to assemble PDFs: - remove non-namespaced DocBook... source and add namespaced DocBook source. - add Apache FOP 1.1 - copy fonts, images, XSL into _build, establishing new asset structure. The original structure remains until all guides using it can be upgraded, and several other issues can be resolved. - updated build.xml to allow for per-target build properties. - upgraded the P4SAG to use the new infrastructure. - tweaked admonition presentation in PDFs to remove admonition graphics, and resemble closely the presentation used in the new HTML layout, including the same colors. With these changes, building PDFs involves using a shell, navigating into the guide's directory (just P4SAG for now), and executing "ant pdf". Issues still to be resolved: - PDF generation encounters several warnings about missing fonts (bold versions of Symbol and ZapfDingbats), and a couple of locations where the page content exceeds the defined content area. - Due to issues within Apache FOP, PDF generation emits a substantial amount of output that is not easily suppressed without losing important warning information. - Apache FOP's interface to ANT does not expose a way to set the font base directory. The current configuration does work under Mac OSX, but further testing on Windows will need to be done to determine if the relative paths defined continue to work. The workaround is for Windows users to customize the fop-config.xml to provide absolute system paths to the required fonts. - HTML generation needs further browser testing, and exhibits broken navigation on iOS browsers within the TOC sidebar. - A number of PDF and HTML presentation tweaks still need to be made, for example: sidebars, gui* DocBook tags, whitespace, section separation, etc. « |
11 years ago |