Name | Modified | Size |
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P4Connect | ||
tools | ||
AssetTarget.txt | 9 years ago | |
P4Connect.sln | 10 years ago | |
P4Connect.vs10.sln | 10 years ago | |
P4Connect.vs13.sln | 9 years ago |
Change | User | Description | Committed |
16210 | Norman Morse | Remove files from old locations | 9 years ago |
16163 | Norman Morse | Import latest changes from 2015.2/1245676 Fixes disconnect issue on "run" Fixes SSL ve...rsioning problem on OSX Added VS2015 support to project files « |
9 years ago |
16130 | Norman Morse | Fixed bug in Generating Mono Symbols | 9 years ago |
16117 | Norman Morse | Fix for EditorPrefs related Disconnection. Cleaned up some code. Removed Spurious Commen...ts Initialize Config from within Main « |
9 years ago |
16006 | Norman Morse | integrated changes from internal build | 9 years ago |
15424 | Norman Morse | Fixed exceptions in Dialogs. Updated release Notes. Added checks to menus for PerforceEna...bled « |
10 years ago |
15401 | Norman Morse | Fixed serialization of Config so P4Connect remains connected after a Game Run Cleaned up... some menus. « |
10 years ago |
15383 | Norman Morse | Improved Diagnostics, cleaned up unnecessary log output Moved some Dialog Initialization... to OnEnable() Fixed Unity 5.1.1 incompatibilities Added Operation support for In Depot Deleted files « |
10 years ago |
15300 | Norman Morse | Change version string to use '-' hyphen before the build type | 10 years ago |
15298 | Norman Morse | Fix Version Stamping to not use UpdateVersion.exe for personal (workshop) builds. | 10 years ago |
15266 | Norman Morse | Integrated "UpdateVersion" tool to update the VersionInfo and the DLL properties wit...h information from "Version" EC generates the Version file for us in builds. Workshop users need to generate their own Release number with two zeros (like 2015.2.0.0) which will have the last two numbers replaced with change ID. « |
10 years ago |
15256 | Norman Morse | Make these files writeable in the workspace, so they can be modified in a pre build hook. | 10 years ago |
15245 | Norman Morse |
Missed a couple files. Bumped version to 2.8 2015.2 |
10 years ago |
15244 | Norman Morse | Better Directory support in "add" "get latest" "refresh" and other commands. Improved Pro...ject Root detection Various Bug Fixes and Clean up « |
10 years ago |
15146 | Norman Morse | Rewrote Config Dialog to resize well and work both vertically and horizontally. Fixed som...e internal issues in file handling. Removed .bytes from default type of "text" « |
10 years ago |
15079 | Norman Morse | Rewrote AssetStatusCache to Cache AssetStatuses and FileMetaData Fixed Edge conditions on... Engine Operations Change Debug output defaults. Will now Checkout files which request to be "added" but which already exist in perforce. Output P4Connect version to log on initialization. « |
10 years ago |
14801 | Norman Morse | GA.9 changes. Fixed debug message exceptions Improved Pending Changes dialog for large ch...angesets Changed configuration to allow saving configuration with Perforce disabled. Improved restart after recompile, automatically attempts connection now unless disabled. « |
10 years ago |
14232 | Norman Morse | GA.8 release | 10 years ago |
14193 | Norman Morse | GA.7 release Refactor Pending Changes Resolve Submit issues. Fixed Menu entries. &...nbsp;Handle mismatched file and meta states. « |
10 years ago |
14007 | Norman Morse |
Bump release to GA.6 Fixes problem accessing Unicode server on OSX |
10 years ago |
13883 | Norman Morse | Remove some debugging noise from Unity log | 10 years ago |
13864 | Norman Morse | Final fixes for GA.5 release. | 10 years ago |
13824 | Norman Morse | Changes to have fstat return true client paths. Remove versions, fixes probl...ems with "local" paths sneaking into results. « |
10 years ago |
13814 | Norman Morse | Upped version to GA.5 | 10 years ago |
13813 | Norman Morse | Changed Config to call CheckProjectRoot which creates ClientProjectRoot and DepotProjectRo...ot Filter files in changelists to include only files under the Project root. Run fstat on files in the default change to make sure we have complete metadata « |
10 years ago |
13693 | Norman Morse |
Updated release notes and version. GA.4 it is |
10 years ago |
13692 | Norman Morse | Fix FileSpec corruption issue Make sure that the logged in user is verified against file...s in the default change. Multiple users can share the same workspace and cause lots of confusion. Also changed the code in Perforce.P4.Changelist.ToString() to create new FileSpecs instead of doing implicite casts. This should fix the exception if the source FileMetaData is incomplete some how. « |
10 years ago |
13596 | Norman Morse | GA.3 fixes Update release notes. Fix config dialog initialization, update version D...isable warnings for PackageIcons.cs, Fix crash in GetLockState() call « |
10 years ago |
13595 | Norman Morse | Added fix for crash in GetLockStatus() in addition to GA.3 features | 10 years ago |
13269 | Norman Morse | Bumped version to 2.7 GA 2 Fixed problem with Hung Config Window and no previous setting...s Fixed code to automattically attempt to connect to Perforce Server if configuration allows. « |
10 years ago |
12945 | Norman Morse | Changes from internal main GA.1 | 10 years ago |
12939 | Norman Morse | Update docs to match release. Moved release notes into Asset Hierarchy so they get copied... with the unitypackage « |
10 years ago |
12862 | Norman Morse | Fixed problem with an empty default change list not refresshing. Fixed crash in is_ignore...d Removed a lot of log output « |
10 years ago |
12569 | Norman Morse | Release of P4Connect 2.7 GA Release and Debug UnityPackages | 10 years ago |
12568 | Norman Morse | Fixed some error handling during Perforce Configuration | 10 years ago |
12566 | Norman Morse |
Fixed hang when restarting after rebuild Updated Release String to GA |
10 years ago |
12565 | Norman Morse | Integrated from Dev Branch Made ChangeManager into Static Class. Improved close window be...havior for when connection is invalid Fixed localOpenFiles not updating on submit « |
10 years ago |
12554 | Norman Morse |
Changed OSX DLL checking code. Improved re-connection after restart |
10 years ago |
12553 | Norman Morse | integrate from internal main Build fixes for EC. Major changes to Configuration and re-in...itialization code. Bug fixes « |
10 years ago |
12513 | Norman Morse | Updated docs | 10 years ago |
12512 | Norman Morse | Integrate from Dev branch, preparing for Beta3 release | 10 years ago |
12368 | Norman Morse |
Improved config dialog. Perforce defaults to Enabled |
10 years ago |
12362 | Norman Morse | Added Debug Logging for p4log Fixed some path comparison issues. Created a CaseSensitivit...y test « |
10 years ago |
12252 | Norman Morse |
2.7 Beta2 release unitypackages. Updated version file. |
10 years ago |
12251 | Norman Morse |
Fixes for Beta 2 release Mostly Configuration dialog bug fixes |
10 years ago |
12168 | Norman Morse |
Fixed typos in README Added some more detail about the 2014.2 upgrade to the release notes |
10 years ago |
12135 | Norman Morse | Integrate dev branch changes into main. This code is the basiis of the 2.7 BETA release... which provides Unity 5 compatibility « |
10 years ago |
11447 | Norman Morse | Updates from internal main, moved to workshop | 10 years ago |
11378 | Norman Morse |
P4Config support. Debugging DLL Loading issues |
10 years ago |
11377 | Norman Morse | Deleting obsolete solution and project files | 10 years ago |