$:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) require 'P4/version' VERSION = P4::VERSION Gem::Specification.new { |t| t.name = 'p4ruby' t.version = VERSION t.summary = 'Ruby extensions to the C++ Perforce API' t.description = t.summary + '.' t.author = 'Perforce Software, Inc.' t.email = 'support@perforce.com' t.homepage = 'http://www.perforce.com/product/components/apis' t.extensions = ['ext/P4/extconf.rb'] t.licenses = ['MIT'] # We have a strict dependency here due to a linux build issue launching rake t.add_development_dependency 'rake', '10.3.2' t.add_development_dependency 'rake-compiler', '~> 0.9' t.add_development_dependency 'test-unit', '~> 3.0' t.add_development_dependency 'p4util', '~> 0.1.0' t.files = %w( LICENSE.txt p4-doc/user/p4rubynotes.txt ) t.files += Dir.glob('ext/**/*.cpp') t.files += Dir.glob('ext/**/*.h') t.files += Dir.glob('lib/**/*.rb') }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#4 | 14696 | tjuricek |
Allow the 'rake native gem' command to build the native gems for this platform. The gem specification is now a part of the Rakefile for the rake-compiler tasks to figure out the native rules. P4RUBY-176 Imported from Git Author: Tristan Juricek <tjuricek@perforce.com> 1421094211 -0800 Committer: Tristan Juricek <tjuricek@perforce.com> 1421094260 -0800 sha1: 80da9291ba8705d8e89946adbf3668173dd624a4 push-state: complete parent-changes: f3345a676c834c47ee2211637abf2e827872dff5=[982334] |
#3 | 14691 | tjuricek |
Removing p4util from .gemspec and only referencing it in the build shell script. Until there is a 'GA release' of the p4ruby gem, we will have to install p4util indirectly. Imported from Git Author: Tristan Juricek <tjuricek@perforce.com> 1417551930 -0800 Committer: Tristan Juricek <tjuricek@perforce.com> 1417551930 -0800 sha1: 9755260c44bc372252b09a7259b2bb340b85cabc push-state: complete parent-changes: 07b676b152f0d146267480f3a9dff06603e0fe02=[969197] |
#2 | 14686 | tjuricek |
Merge commit '01caf9661acf4dc7ebf23d33113e4be4ad364ece' Imported from Git Author: Tristan Juricek <tjuricek@perforce.com> 1415915946 -0800 Committer: Tristan Juricek <tjuricek@perforce.com> 1415915946 -0800 sha1: 1aaf024362a53435ed87c853fd577049a38eae87 push-state: complete parent-branch: WUpgNvsySG6cferVT-Hvuw==@961945 parent-changes: c9daabefe02bc3d038f9a3dd4a8c2f1488746a25=[961945]/01caf9661acf4dc7ebf23d33113e4be4ad364ece=[961192] |
#1 | 14682 | Git Fusion |
Git Fusion branch management Imported from Git ghost-of-change-num: 960958 ghost-of-sha1: 005052ae424bd69f426f7209e741ca1c8c3253c7 ghost-precedes-sha1: ad052c71a568ef12165e143a6866ad9ceffbb4a1 parent-branch: None@960958 push-state: incomplete |