#include <functional> #include <type_traits> #include "../common/compat.hpp" namespace sprawl { namespace memory { // 8 is too large for some types, but no type should be larger than 8 // and 8 is a multiple of other valid aligments (1,2,4) so it's a safe default template<size_t size, size_t align = 8> class OpaqueType; template<typename T> struct CreateAs{}; namespace detail { template<size_t accumulatedSoFar, size_t align, typename... Types> struct ComputeSize { static size_t const size = accumulatedSoFar + ((accumulatedSoFar % align != 0) ? (align - (accumulatedSoFar % align)) : 0); }; //alignof(double) is broken in 32 bit gcc and clang, and returns 8 when it should return 4. #if defined(__GNUC__) && SPRAWL_32_BIT template<size_t accumulatedSoFar, size_t align, typename... MoreTypes> struct ComputeSize<accumulatedSoFar, align, double, MoreTypes...> { static size_t const size = ComputeSize< accumulatedSoFar + sizeof(double) + (accumulatedSoFar % 4 != 0 ? (4 - (accumulatedSoFar % 4)) : 0), align, MoreTypes... >::size; }; #endif template<size_t accumulatedSoFar, size_t align, typename FirstType, typename... MoreTypes> struct ComputeSize<accumulatedSoFar, align, FirstType, MoreTypes...> { static size_t const size = ComputeSize< accumulatedSoFar + sizeof(FirstType) + (accumulatedSoFar % alignof(FirstType) != 0 ? (alignof(FirstType) - (accumulatedSoFar % alignof(FirstType))) : 0), align, MoreTypes... >::size; }; template<size_t highestSoFar, typename... Types> struct ComputeAlign { static size_t const align = highestSoFar; }; #if defined(__GNUC__) && SPRAWL_32_BIT template<size_t highestSoFar, typename... MoreTypes> struct ComputeAlign<highestSoFar, double, MoreTypes...> { static size_t const align = ComputeAlign< (highestSoFar < 4 ? 4 : highestSoFar), MoreTypes... >::align; }; #endif template<size_t highestSoFar, typename FirstType, typename... MoreTypes> struct ComputeAlign<highestSoFar, FirstType, MoreTypes...> { static size_t const align = ComputeAlign< (highestSoFar < alignof(FirstType) ? alignof(FirstType) : highestSoFar), MoreTypes... >::align; }; } template<typename... Types> using OpaqueTypeList = OpaqueType< detail::ComputeSize<0, detail::ComputeAlign<0, Types...>::align, Types...>::size, detail::ComputeAlign<0, Types...>::align >; } } template<size_t size, size_t align> class sprawl::memory::OpaqueType { public: class Deleter { public: virtual void Delete(void*) = 0; }; template<typename T> class TypeDeleter : public Deleter { public: virtual void Delete(void* ptr) { reinterpret_cast<T*>(ptr)->~T(); } }; template<typename T, typename... Params> OpaqueType(CreateAs<T> const&, Params&&... params) : m_ptr() , m_deleter() { static_assert(sizeof(T) == size, "Opaque type delcared with size that does not match the type used to construct it."); static_assert(align >= alignof(T) && (align % alignof(T) == 0), "Opaque type definition does not match alignment requirements of the type used to construct it."); new(&m_ptr) T(std::forward<Params>(params)...); new(&m_deleter) TypeDeleter<T>(); } ~OpaqueType() { reinterpret_cast<Deleter*>(&m_deleter)->Delete(&m_ptr); } template<typename T> T& As() { static_assert(sizeof(T) == size, "Opaque type delcared with size that does not match the type used to access it."); static_assert(align >= alignof(T) && (align % alignof(T) == 0), "Opaque type definition does not match alignment requirements of the type used to access it."); return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(&m_ptr); } template<typename T> T const& As() const { static_assert(sizeof(T) == size, "Opaque type delcared with size that does not match the type used to access it."); static_assert(align >= alignof(T) && (align % alignof(T) == 0), "Opaque type definition does not match alignment requirements of the type used to access it."); return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(&m_ptr); } template<typename T> operator T&() { static_assert(sizeof(T) == size, "Opaque type delcared with size that does not match the type used to access it."); static_assert(align >= alignof(T) && (align % alignof(T) == 0), "Opaque type definition does not match alignment requirements of the type used to access it."); return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(&m_ptr); } template<typename T> operator T const&() const { static_assert(sizeof(T) == size, "Opaque type delcared with size that does not match the type used to access it."); static_assert(align >= alignof(T) && (align % alignof(T) == 0), "Opaque type definition does not match alignment requirements of the type used to access it."); return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(&m_ptr); } private: typename std::aligned_storage<size, align>::type m_ptr; typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(Deleter), alignof(Deleter)>::type m_deleter; };
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 23398 | ququlala | "Forking branch Mainline of shadauxcat-libsprawl to ququlala-libsprawl." | ||
//guest/ShadauxCat/Sprawl/Mainline/memory/opaque_type.hpp | |||||
#7 | 19906 | ShadauxCat |
- Added tag, compile time string type - Since tag requires visual studio 2015, removed compatibility code for earlier versions of visual studio - Improved compiler detection - Added endianness detection - Added template if/else helper - Fixed bug with murmur3 64 bit - Added seed argument for murmur3 #review-19907 |
#6 | 16257 | ShadauxCat |
Compile fix #review-16258 |
#5 | 16255 | ShadauxCat |
Fixed some issues with the size calculation for OpaqueTypeLiast. #review-16256 |
#4 | 16246 | ShadauxCat |
- Fixed size and type computation for OpaqueTypeList, which was incorrect because it was building the struct in reverse order - and windows x86 also seems to have strange behavior with inheritance or including structs as class members when it comes to size calculation. So I'm now calculating the size manually. (Yay recursive compile-time math...) - Added function in logging to get the file object corresponding with a PrintToFile handler. #review-16247 |
#3 | 16242 | ShadauxCat |
Added OpaqueTypeList, an alias that enables creation of opaque types via a list of member types. #review-16243 |
#2 | 16231 | ShadauxCat |
Fixed a wording issue in OpaqueType static asserts. #review-16232 |
#1 | 16225 | ShadauxCat |
- Renamed OpaquePtr to OpaqueType, which is more correct as it isn't a pointer. - Added alignment restriction to OpaqueType - Changed Mutex implementation on Windows to use faster SRWLOCK instead of CRITICAL_SECTION (cannot mirror this change on Linux because pthread_cond_wait can't accept a pthread_rwlock_t) #review-16226 |
//guest/ShadauxCat/Sprawl/Mainline/memory/opaque_ptr.hpp | |||||
#1 | 16223 | ShadauxCat |
Added opaque pointer. Maybe this should really be called OpaqueData, since it's not really a pointer. #review-16224 |