eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q' if 0; # THE PRECEEDING STUFF EXECS perl via $PATH # -*-Fundamental-*- # (I'm a Emacsian Fundamentalist) # $Id: //guest/richard_geiger/utils/cvs2p4/MANIFEST#59 $ # # Copyright (c) 1996 Network Appliance, Inc. # # You may distribute under the terms of the Artistic License, as # specified in the README file included in the cvs2p4 # distribution. # # Original Author: Richard Geiger for Network Appliance, Inc. # # $Id: //guest/richard_geiger/utils/cvs2p4/MANIFEST#59 $ # Here is the manifest. # You can update the checksums with "-gen" # require 5.000; use Carp; $| = 1; ($Myname = $0) =~ s%^.*/%%; $Mydirname = &dirname($0); chdir $Mydirname || die; #path sum1 sum2 opts $manifest = <<'MANIFEST'; MANIFEST:-:- README:35904:27:mode=444 NEWS:50611:32:mode=444 config.tmpl:42289:8:mode=444 bin/cvs2p4:24229:1:mode=555 bin/genmetadata:58350:34:mode=555 bin/genchanges:45157:7:mode=555 bin/dochanges:36810:22:mode=555 bin/dolabels:25326:9:mode=555 bin/revmap:58206:2:mode=555 bin/srcdiff:46131:13:mode=555 bin/cvs2p4:24229:1:mode=555 lib/util.pl:12271:6:mode=444 src/rcs-5.7/src/rlog.c.patch:23939:1:mode=444 test/file,v:57384:4:mode=444 test/phone.gif,v:59723:1:mode=444 test/dollar$file,v:32426:1:mode=444 test/space file,v:32426:1:mode=444 test/pound#file,v:32426:1:mode=444 test/percent_%file,v:32426:1:mode=444 test/at@file,v:32426:1:mode=444 test/star*file,v:32426:1:mode=444 test/datefile_readd,v:30938:1:mode=444 test/Attic/datefile,v:2632:1:mode=444 test/config.test:14473:8:mode=444 test/runtest:55589:7:mode=555 test/norm:48454:1:mode=555 test/metadata.good:49183:2:mode=444 test/lines.good:11732:1:mode=444 test/changes.good:58444:3:mode=444 test/p4_changes_-l.good:26500:4:mode=444 test/p4_describe.good:20411:10:mode=444 test/p4_describe-new.good:62964:11:mode=444 test/p4_filesat.good:22612:1:mode=444 test/p4_labels.good:63997:1:mode=444 test/brmap.pl:58666:1:mode=444 test/exclude_branches:7345:1:mode=444 test/exclude_tags:27386:1:mode=444 MANIFEST @manifest = split(/\n/, $manifest); $Usage = <<LIT; $Myname: usage: $Myname [-gen|-tar <vers>] LIT sub x { my ($cmd) = @_; print "$Myname: $cmd\n"; if (! $noexec) { $status = system $cmd; if ($status) { printf "$Myname: *** exit status %d\n", $status / 256; exit 1; } } } sub dirname { my ($dir) = @_; $dir =~ s%^$%.%; $dir = "$dir/"; if ($dir =~ m%^/[^/]*//*$%) { return "/"; } if ($dir =~ m%^.*[^/]//*[^/][^/]*//*$%) { $dir =~ s%^(.*[^/])//*[^/][^/]*//*$%$1%; { return $dir; } } return "."; } sub usage { print STDERR $Usage; exit 1; } sub help { print STDERR <<LIT; $Usage $Myname is used to help verify the completeness of the cvs2p4 distribution kit. LIT exit 1; } $uname = `/bin/uname -a`; chop $uname; ($u_os, $u_host, $u_osrel) = split(/\s+/, $uname); if ($u_os eq "SunOS" && $u_osrel =~ /^5\./) { $sum = "/usr/ucb/sum"; } elsif ($u_os eq "SunOS" && $u_osrel =~ /^4\./) { $sum = "/bin/sum"; } elsif ($u_os eq "OSF1" && $u_osrel =~ /^V[34]\./) { $sum = "/bin/sum" } elsif ($u_os eq "FreeBSD" && $u_osrel =~ /^2\.\./) { $sum = "NONE" } elsif ($u_os eq "Linux" && $u_osrel =~ /^2\./) { $sum = "/usr/bin/sum" } else { print STDERR "\n$Myname: warning: not tested for \"$u_os $u_osrel\".\n\n"; } # Take our chances with $PATH # if (! defined($sum)) { $sum = "sum"; } if (! defined($tar)) { $tar = "tar"; } $op = "check"; while ($#ARGV >= 0) { if ($ARGV[0] eq "-gen") { $op = "gen"; shift; next; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-tar") { $op = "tar"; shift; if ($#ARGV < 0) { usage; } $vers = $ARGV[0]; shift; next; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-help") { &help; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) { &usage; } if ($Args ne "") { $Args .= " "; } push(@Args, $ARGV[0]); shift; } if ($#Args != -1) { &usage; } if ($op eq "gen") { @mestat = stat($Myname); if (! open(ME, "<$Myname")) { print "Can't open myself for modification: $!\n"; exit 1; } if (! open(NEWME, ">$Myname.gen")) { print "Can't open myself for modification: $!\n"; exit 1; } while (<ME>) { print NEWME; if (/^\$manifest = <<'MANIFEST';$/) { last; } } } elsif ($op eq "tar") { $tarcmd = "$tar cvf cvs2p4-$vers.tar"; } if ($op eq "check" && $sum eq "NONE") { print "\n[Checksums will not be checked on this $u_os system.]\n\n"; } $status = 0; foreach $ent (@manifest) { ($path, $sum1, $sum2, $opts) = split(/:/, $ent); if ($op eq "check" || $op eq "gen") { if (! lstat($path)) { print "? $path... not found (couldn't stat)\n"; $status |= 1; } else { $linktarg = ""; if ($opts =~ /\bsymlink=([^,\s]+)\b/) { $linktarg = $1; } else { if ($sum ne "NONE") { $sums = `$sum '$path'`; chop $sums; ($csum1, $csum2) = split(/\s+/, $sums); } } if ($op eq "check") { if ($linktarg ne "") { if (! -l $path) { print "? $path... symlink not found\n"; $status |= 1; } else { $link = readlink $path; if ($link ne $linktarg) { print "? $path... symlink should be \"$linktarg\"\n"; $status |= 2; } else { print " $path\n"; } } } else { if ($path =~ /(\/){0,1}$Myname$/) { print " $path\n"; next; } if ($sum ne "NONE" && ($csum1 != $sum1 || $csum2 != $sum2)) { print "M $path... modified (checksums mismatch)\n"; $status |= 2; } else { print " $path\n"; } } } elsif ($op eq "gen") { if ($path =~ /(\/){0,1}$Myname$/) { print NEWME "$path:-:-\n"; print "$path\n"; next; } if ($linktarg ne "") { $_ = "$path:-:-:$opts\n"; print NEWME; print "$path\n"; } else { $_ = "$path:$csum1:$csum2:$opts\n"; print NEWME; print "$path - checksum generated\n"; } } } next; } elsif ($op eq "tar") { if ($opts =~ /\bmode=([0-9]+)\b/) { $mode = $1; &x("/bin/chmod $mode '$path'"); } @modes = lstat("$path"); $owners{$path} = $modes[4]; $groups{$path} = $modes[5]; chown(0, 0, "$path") || print STDERR "WARNING: can't \"chown 0, 0, cvs2p4-$vers/$path\": $!\n"; $tarcmd .= " 'cvs2p4-$vers/$path'"; } } if ($op eq "gen") { while (<ME>) { if (/^MANIFEST$/) { print NEWME; last; }} while (<ME>) { print NEWME; } close NEWME; unlink "$Myname.old"; rename "$Myname", "$Myname.old" || die; rename "$Myname.gen", "$Myname" || die; chmod $mestat[2], "$Myname" || die; } elsif ($op eq "tar") { $Here = `/bin/pwd`; chop $Here; ($Herename = $Here) =~ s%^.*/%%; $Parent = &dirname($Here); &x("/bin/mv $Parent/$Herename $Parent/cvs2p4-$vers"); chdir $Parent || die; &x("$tarcmd") &x("/bin/mv $Parent/cvs2p4-$vers $Parent/$Herename"); &x("/bin/mv $Parent/cvs2p4-$vers.tar $Parent/$Herename/cvs2p4-$vers.tar"); chdir $Here || die; foreach $path (keys(%owners)) { $own = $owners{$path}; $grp = $groups{$path}; chown ($own, $grp, "$path") || print STDERR "WARNING: can't \"chown $own, $grp, $path\": $!\n"; } } print "\n"; if ($status == 0) { print "All ok\n"; } if ($status & 1) { print "*** some files are missing\n"; } if ($status & 2) { print "*** some files have been modified\n"; } exit $status;
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#60 | 7273 | Richard Geiger | Update for 3.1 release | ||
#59 | 5612 | Richard Geiger | Package 3.0b2 | ||
#58 | 5604 | Richard Geiger | Add exclude lists. | ||
#57 | 5603 | Richard Geiger | Edits were done in the //public version... | ||
#56 | 5599 | Richard Geiger | About to unleash 3.0 upon an unsuspecting world... | ||
#55 | 5532 | Richard Geiger | get these in... | ||
#54 | 5449 | Richard Geiger | gearing up for 2.6.0 release... | ||
#53 | 5143 | Richard Geiger | prep for 2.5.5 | ||
#52 | 4983 | Richard Geiger |
Package 2.5.4 - add srcdiff. Clears the integration air. |
#51 | 4927 | Richard Geiger | Take back changes inadvertantly done in the //public dir. | ||
#50 | 4922 | Richard Geiger | 2.5.3 packaging. | ||
#49 | 4919 | Richard Geiger | 2.5.2 for the Ottawa Adobefolk... | ||
#48 | 4915 | Richard Geiger | Construct the 2.5.1 tarball | ||
#47 | 4733 | Richard Geiger | Update manifest. | ||
#46 | 4732 | Richard Geiger | Changes to support special characters # @ % * (for release 2.5) | ||
#45 | 4353 | Richard Geiger | For 2.4 | ||
#44 | 4273 | Richard Geiger | Package 2.3.8. | ||
#43 | 3710 | Richard Geiger | 2.3.7 packaging. | ||
#42 | 3599 | Richard Geiger |
Pick up the new p4_describe-new.good file in the MANIFEST (hence in the tar archive!) |
#41 | 3598 | Richard Geiger | Hopefully, the final 2.3.5 packaging. | ||
#40 | 3597 | Richard Geiger |
The diff output change actually happened with 2002.2. This reflects that. |
#39 | 3595 | Richard Geiger | 2.3.5 packaging. | ||
#38 | 2447 | Richard Geiger | Set up to package 2.3.4 | ||
#37 | 2284 | Richard Geiger |
Package 2.3.3. Changes to begin handling MKS Source Integrity repositories. Today MKS; Tomorrow... ClearCase! (well). |
#36 | 2062 | Richard Geiger | Packaging for 2.3.2 | ||
#35 | 1988 | Richard Geiger | Package 2.3.1 | ||
#34 | 1970 | Richard Geiger | Oops, forgot phone,gif,v! | ||
#33 | 1968 | Richard Geiger | Make it 2.2. | ||
#32 | 1944 | Richard Geiger | Update expected text output files. | ||
#31 | 1943 | Richard Geiger | update MANIFEST. | ||
#30 | 1942 | Richard Geiger |
Change to handle RCS branch tags (so this tools can work with RCS (vs CVS) repositories, too!) RCS branch tags are those with an even number of "."s. |
#29 | 1783 | Richard Geiger | Package 2.0 | ||
#28 | 1781 | Richard Geiger |
This change reintegrates cvs2p4 2.0 developement work (through 2.0b6) back into my mainline development. |
#27 | 1437 | Richard Geiger | Fix for 1.3.3 - labels on revived Attic files. | ||
#26 | 1408 | Richard Geiger | Put the date on the release in NEWS. | ||
#25 | 1407 | Richard Geiger |
=== Release 1.3.2 - Reduce the memory footprint of bin/genmetadata. Previously, it was holding and sorting a complete copy of the metadata file "in-core" (as well as a copy of all of the RCS revision tags data!). This adds up quick, and some users saw genmetadata gobbling memory voraciously (and in some cases being running out, causing thrashing and/or process termination by the OS). genmetadata now keeps the metadata in a temp file, (sorting it in primary-key-sized chunks), and the revision tag information in a db-backed hash. - Fix the label handling so that _all_ perforce revisions based on the labeled cvs revision are included in the generated labels. Previously, one of the N "correct" Perforce revisions were being tagged (effectively, at random). This stems from the fact that lazy copying and branching are explicit in Perforce, but implicit in CVS. I.e., the "#1" revision in a new Perforce branch _appears_ to be a separate entity (identical to the revision from which it was branched. This means that to use the converted labels, it will be up to _you_ to remember what labels go with what branches: but that's the way it is in CVS, too. - A minor change in revmap to have a meaningful usage message, and properly handle the new rrevmap format. - dochanges correctly deletes revmap database files for either *.db or *.pag/*.dat style databases. |
#24 | 1204 | Richard Geiger | Package 1.3.1 | ||
#23 | 1185 | Richard Geiger |
Changes for 1.3 (Labels!) |
#22 | 1032 | Richard Geiger | Publish 1.2.17 | ||
#21 | 795 | Richard Geiger | 1.2.16 update | ||
#20 | 791 | Richard Geiger |
Update for a new release; my change-of-venue noted; desensitized to conflicting P4CONFIG. |
#19 | 475 | Richard Geiger | Package cvs2p4 1.2.15 | ||
#18 | 460 | Richard Geiger | Publish 1.2.14 | ||
#17 | 422 | Richard Geiger | Package 1.2.13 | ||
#16 | 417 | Richard Geiger | Packaging for 1.2.12 | ||
#15 | 399 | Richard Geiger | 1.2.11 | ||
#14 | 393 | Richard Geiger | 1.2.10 | ||
#13 | 392 | Richard Geiger | CHanges for 1.2.10 (tolerate empty RCS file) | ||
#12 | 343 | Richard Geiger | 1.2.9 | ||
#11 | 331 | Richard Geiger |
1.2.8 - handle cr/lf in ,v's ... Yuck |
#10 | 305 | Richard Geiger | Changes for 1.2.7 | ||
#9 | 283 | Richard Geiger | MANIFEST includes itself once more. | ||
#8 | 253 | Richard Geiger |
"MANIFEST" itself must handle shell metacharacters in filenames, since we added a couple to the tests! |
#7 | 252 | Richard Geiger | MANIFEST checksums for 1.2.6 | ||
#6 | 251 | Richard Geiger | Changes for 1.2.6 - metacharacters in filenames. | ||
#5 | 247 | Richard Geiger |
Just correct the version number at the top of the README, so this doesn't rool the version number! |
#4 | 240 | Richard Geiger |
Version 1.2.5, to account for post-1999 RCS behavior. (Courtesy of David Simon, Goldman Sachs) |
#3 | 229 | Richard Geiger | Packaging for 1.2.4 release. | ||
#2 | 180 | Richard Geiger | 1.2.3 release. | ||
#1 | 130 | Richard Geiger |
CVS-to-Perforce converter. This is release 1.2.2 (first submit to the Perforce Public Depot) |