#include "DAZipper.h" #include <clientapi.h> #include "DAFile.h" #include "DAInteg.h" #include "DALine.h" #include "DARev.h" #include "DATooth.h" struct DAFileStack { DAFile* file; DAFileStack* next; }; DAZipper::DAZipper( DAFile* f, int r ) : file( f ), rev( r ) { copy = 0x0; sources = 0x0; left = new DATooth( 0x0 ); right = new DATooth( 0x0 ); DARev* drev = file->getRev( rev ); if ( !drev ) return; bool fileFound; DAFileStack* newFile; DAInteg* integ = 0x0; for ( int i = 0 ; i < drev->integCount() ; i++ ) { integ = drev->getInteg( i ); if ( !integ->getFile() ) continue; if ( integ->getHow() == DAInteg::Branch || integ->getHow() == DAInteg::Copy ) { copy = integ; continue; } fileFound = false; for ( DAFileStack* s = sources ; s ; s = s->next ) { if ( s->file == integ->getFile() ) fileFound = true; } if ( fileFound ) continue; newFile = new DAFileStack; newFile->file = integ->getFile(); newFile->next = sources; sources = newFile; } } DAZipper::~DAZipper(void) { DAFileStack* s; while ( sources ) { s = sources; sources = s->next; delete s; } while ( left->nextTooth() != left ) { delete left->nextTooth(); } delete left; while ( right->nextTooth() != right ) { delete right->nextTooth(); } delete right; } void DAZipper::Zip() { // Copies are easy. Handle those first. if ( copy ) ZipCopy(); // Now build the actual "zipper" halves. for ( DAFileStack* s = sources ; s ; s = s->next ) { buildLeftZipper( s->file ); } if ( left->nextTooth() != left ) buildRightZipper(); // Try context matching. matchByContext(); // Cut out any remaining teeth that can't possibly match anything. eliminateUniques(); // Try order matching. matchByDistance(); // Eliminate anything that's left. eliminateAll(); } void DAZipper::ZipCopy() { if ( !copy->getFile() ) return; // A "copy" record implies that this revision is // a perfect copy of the from revision, with maybe // the occasional ktext anomaly. As such, we ought // to be able to match lines in the source and target // to each other one-for-one. DALine* src = copy->getFile()->zeroLine()->nextAsOf( copy->getERev() ); DALine* tgt = file->zeroLine()->nextAsOf( rev ); while ( src->text() && tgt->text() ) { if ( !tgt->zipped() && tgt->lowerRev() == rev && src->text() == tgt->text() ) { tgt->setAncestor( src ); } src = src->nextAsOf( copy->getERev() ); tgt = tgt->nextAsOf( rev ); } } void DAZipper::buildLeftZipper( DAFile* source ) { bool isRelevant; DAInteg* integ; int srev, erev; DARev* drev = file->getRev( rev ); for ( DALine* line = source->zeroLine()->nextLine() ; line->text() ; line = line->nextLine() ) { if ( line->getTooth() ) continue; isRelevant = false; for ( int i = 0 ; i < drev->integCount() ; i++ ) { integ = drev->getInteg( i ); if ( integ->getHow() == DAInteg::Branch || integ->getHow() == DAInteg::Copy || integ->getHow() == DAInteg::Ignore ) continue; srev = integ->getSRev(); erev = integ->getERev(); if ( integ->getHow() == DAInteg::Add ) srev = 1; if ( srev <= line->lowerRev() && //line added at or after srev erev >= line->lowerRev() && //line added at or before erev erev <= line->upperRev() ) //line not removed before erev { isRelevant = true; break; } } if ( isRelevant ) { left->prependTooth( new DATooth( line ) ); } } } void DAZipper::buildRightZipper() { for ( DALine* line = file->zeroLine()->nextLine() ; line->text() ; line = line->nextLine() ) { if ( line->lowerRev() != rev ) continue; if ( line->zipped() ) continue; right->prependTooth( new DATooth( line ) ); } } void DAZipper::eliminateAll() { while ( left->nextTooth()->getLine() ) { delete left->nextTooth(); } while ( right->nextTooth()->getLine() ) { right->nextTooth()->getLine()->setAncestor ( right->nextTooth()->getLine() ); delete right->nextTooth(); } } void DAZipper::eliminateUniques() { DATooth *s, *t; DATooth* unique = 0x0; bool hasMatch; for ( s = left->nextTooth() ; s->getLine() ; s = s->nextTooth() ) { delete unique; unique = 0x0; hasMatch = false; for ( t = right->nextTooth() ; t->getLine() ; t = t->nextTooth() ) { if ( s->getLine()->text() == t->getLine()->text() ) { hasMatch = true; break; } } if ( !hasMatch ) unique = s; } delete unique; unique = 0x0; for ( s = right->nextTooth() ; s->getLine() ; s = s->nextTooth() ) { delete unique; unique = 0x0; hasMatch = false; for ( t = left->nextTooth() ; t->getLine() ; t = t->nextTooth() ) { if ( s->getLine()->text() == t->getLine()->text() ) { hasMatch = true; break; } } if ( !hasMatch ) unique = s; } delete unique; } void DAZipper::matchByContext() { DATooth* t = right->nextTooth(); DALine* ancLine; DATooth* ancTooth; while ( t->getLine() ) { ancLine = 0x0; ancTooth = 0x0; if ( ( (ancLine = t->getLine()->prevAsOf( rev )->ancestor()) && (ancTooth = ancLine->nextToothed()->getTooth()) && ancTooth->getLine()->text() == t->getLine()->text() ) || ( (ancLine = t->getLine()->nextAsOf( rev )->ancestor()) && (ancTooth = ancLine->prevToothed()->getTooth()) && ancTooth->getLine()->text() == t->getLine()->text() ) ) { t->getLine()->setAncestor( ancTooth->getLine() ); delete t; delete ancTooth; ancTooth = 0x0; t = right; } t = t->nextTooth(); } } void DAZipper::matchByDistance() { DATooth* l = left->nextTooth(); DATooth* r = right->nextTooth(); DATooth *lc, *rc; DATooth *lm, *rm; while ( l->getLine() && r->getLine() ) { lc = r; rc = l; lm = rm = 0x0; while ( lc->getLine() || rc->getLine() ) { if ( lc->getLine() ) { if ( lc->getLine()->text() == l->getLine()->text() ) break; else lc = lc->nextTooth(); } if ( rc->getLine() ) { if ( rc->getLine()->text() == r->getLine()->text() ) break; else rc = rc->nextTooth(); } } if ( lc->getLine() && l->getLine()->text() == lc->getLine()->text() ) { lm = l; rm = lc; } if ( rc->getLine() && rc->getLine()->text() == r->getLine()->text() ) { lm = rc; rm = r; } if ( lm && rm ) { l = lm->nextTooth(); r = rm->nextTooth(); rm->getLine()->setAncestor( lm->getLine() ); delete lm; delete rm; } else { l = l->nextTooth(); r = r->nextTooth(); } } }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#2 | 6298 | Sam Stafford |
Add some new sanity checks. One prevents an infaloop observed while testing against a file with especially twisted history; the other may help with future tweaks to the zipper algorithm. |
#1 | 6297 | Sam Stafford |
Work so far on "deep annotate". Been getting a lot of questions on this lately from other people working on the same thing; might as well pool efforts. |