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<title>Shiv Sikand, Perforce Consulting Partner</title>
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<h3>Shiv Sikand</h3>
Expert in Perforce for Integrated Circuit Design. <br>
<h3>Commerical Services</h3>
<li>Cadence-Perforce Integration (cdsp4) site design, installation, support,
user and administrator training</li>
<li>Software Configuration Management and build methodologies for hardware
design (SoC, ASIC, semi/full custom)<br>
<li>High performance, high reliability, scalable server design for hardware
<h4>Contact Information</h4>
<blockquote>Shiv Sikand<br>
161 De Anza Court<br>
Soquel, CA 95073<br>
<p>Email: <a href="mailto:shiv%20at%20sikand.org">shiv at sikand.org</a></p>
<p><a href="junkdec.html">Direct Marketing Declaration - Take Notice of My
Back to the <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/partlist.html">Perforce
Consulting Partners Directory</a></p>