# File: extconf.rb $:.push File.expand_path("../../../lib", __FILE__) require 'mkmf' require 'net/ftp' require 'P4/version' require 'rbconfig' # Set this to the main version directory we look up in ftp.perforce.com for the P4API # This is ignored if you specify the version on the command line. P4API_VERSION_DIR = 'r15.1' #============================================================================== # Provide platform variables in P4-specific format def p4osplat @p4osplat ||= calculate_p4osplat end def calculate_p4osplat plat = RbConfig::CONFIG['arch'].split(/-/)[0].upcase # On Mac OSX, fix the build to 64 bit arch if p4osname == 'DARWIN' plat = 'X86_64' end # Translate Ruby's arch names into Perforce's. Mostly the same so # only the exceptions are handled here. case plat when /^I.86$/ plat = 'X86' when /^AMD64$/ plat = 'X86_64' when 'POWERPC' plat = 'PPC' end return plat end def p4osname @p4osname ||= calculate_p4osname end def calculate_p4osname osname = RbConfig::CONFIG['arch'].split(/-/)[1].upcase osname = osname.gsub(/MSWIN32(_\d+)?/, "NT") osname = osname.split('-').shift case osname when /FREEBSD/ osname = 'FREEBSD' when /DARWIN/ osname = 'DARWIN' when /AIX/ osname = 'AIX' when /SOLARIS/ osname = 'SOLARIS' end return osname end def p4osver @p4osver ||= calculate_p4osver end def calculate_p4osver ver = '' case p4osname when 'NT' # do nothing when /MINGW/ # do nothing when /FREEBSD([0-9]+)/ ver = $1 when /DARWIN/ ver = CONFIG['arch'].upcase.gsub(/.*DARWIN(\d+).*/, '\1') when /AIX(5)\.(\d)/ ver = $1 + $2 when /SOLARIS2\.(\d+)/ ver = $1 else # use uname -r to see if it works begin ver=`uname -r`.chomp ver_re = /^(\d+)\.(\d+)/ md = ver_re.match(ver) if (md) maj = md[1].to_i min = md[2].to_i ver = maj.to_s + min.to_s end rescue # Nothing - if it failed, it failed. end end return ver end def uname_platform @uname_platform ||= calculate_uname_platform end def calculate_uname_platform plat = "UNKNOWN" begin plat = `uname -p` plat = plat.chomp.upcase rescue # Nothing - if it failed, it failed. end plat end #============================================================================== # Setup additional compiler and linker options. # # We generally need to launch these things before we configure most of the flags. # (See the main script at the end.) def set_platform_opts # Expand any embedded variables (like '$(CC)') CONFIG["CC"] = RbConfig::CONFIG["CC"] CONFIG["LDSHARED"] = RbConfig::CONFIG["LDSHARED"] # Make sure we have a CXX value (sometimes there isn't one) CONFIG["CXX"] = CONFIG["CC"] unless CONFIG.has_key?("CXX") # O/S specific oddities case p4osname when /DARWIN/ CONFIG['CC'] = 'xcrun c++' CONFIG['CXX'] = 'xcrun c++' CONFIG['LDSHARED'] = CONFIG['CXX'] + ' -bundle' when /FREEBSD/, /LINUX/ # FreeBSD 6 and some Linuxes use 'cc' for linking by default. The # gcc detection patterns above won't catch that, so for these # platforms, we specifically convert cc to c++. CONFIG['LDSHARED'].sub!(/^cc/, 'c++') when /MINGW32/ # When building with MinGW we need to statically link libgcc # and make sure we're linking with gcc and not g++. On older # Rubies, they use LDSHARED; newer ones (>=1.9) use LDSHAREDXX CONFIG['LDSHARED'].sub!(/g\+\+/, 'gcc') CONFIG['LDSHAREDXX'].sub!(/g\+\+/, 'gcc') CONFIG['LDSHARED'] = CONFIG['LDSHARED'] + ' -static-libgcc' CONFIG['LDSHAREDXX'] = CONFIG['LDSHARED'] + ' -static-libgcc' end end def set_platform_cppflags $CPPFLAGS += "-DOS_#{p4osname} " $CPPFLAGS += "-DOS_#{p4osname}#{p4osver} " $CPPFLAGS += "-DOS_#{p4osname}#{p4osver}#{p4osplat} " if (p4osname == 'NT') $CPPFLAGS += '/DCASE_INSENSITIVE ' end if (p4osname == 'MINGW32') $CPPFLAGS += '-DOS_NT -DCASE_INSENSITIVE ' end if (p4osname == 'SOLARIS') $CPPFLAGS += '-Dsolaris ' end if (p4osname == 'DARWIN') $CPPFLAGS += '-DCASE_INSENSITIVE ' end end def set_platform_cflags if (p4osname == 'DARWIN') # Only build for 64 bit if we have more than one arch defined in CFLAGS $CFLAGS.slice!("-arch i386") $CFLAGS.slice!("-arch ppc"); end end # Initialize the base sets of platform libraries *before other initializers* # to preserve linking order. def set_platform_libs case p4osname when 'SOLARIS' osver = `uname -r` osver.gsub!(/5\./, '2') if (osver == '25') $LDFLAGS += '/usr/ucblib/libucb.a ' end have_library('nsl') have_library('socket') when 'NT' have_library('advapi32') have_library('wsock32') have_library('kernel32') have_library('oldnames') when 'CYGWIN' # Clear out 'bogus' libs on cygwin CONFIG['LIBS'] = '' when 'DARWIN' if p4osver.to_i >= 8 # Only build for 64 bit if we have more than one arch defined in CFLAGS $LDFLAGS.slice!('-arch i386') $LDFLAGS.slice!('-arch ppc') $LDFLAGS += ' -framework CoreFoundation -framework Foundation' end when 'LINUX', 'MINGW32' have_library('supc++') end end #============================================================================== # Manage p4api version # # The p4ruby implementation has some branching to support different versions # of the C++ API. So we need to generate a p4rubyconf.h file that will setup # this #define based branching based on the C++ API being compiled against. # This captures the version information of the P4API C++ library we're building # against. This is mostly parsed into this structure and then spit out into # a header file we compile into the Ruby API. class P4ApiVersion def P4ApiVersion.load(dir) # # 2007.2 and later APIs put the Version file in the 'sample' # subdirectory. Look there if we can't find it in the API root # ver_file = dir + "/Version" unless File.exists?(ver_file) ver_file = dir + "/sample/Version" return nil unless File.exists?(ver_file) end re = Regexp.new('^RELEASE = (\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\w*\S*)\s*;') rp = Regexp.new('^PATCHLEVEL = (.*)\s*;') rs = Regexp.new('^SUPPDATE = (.*)\s*;') p4api_version = nil File.open(ver_file, "r") do |f| f.each_line do |line| if md = re.match(line) p4api_version = P4ApiVersion.new(md[1], md[2]) p4api_version.set_type(md[3]) elsif md = rp.match(line) p4api_version.patchlevel = md[1] elsif md = rs.match(line) p4api_version.suppdate = md[1] end end end puts("Found #{p4api_version} Perforce API in #{dir}") return p4api_version end def initialize(major, minor = nil) if (major.kind_of?(String) && !minor) if (major =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/) major = $1 minor = $2 else raise("Bad API version: #{major}") end end @major = major.to_i @minor = minor.to_i @type = nil @patchlevel = nil @suppdate = nil end def set_type(type) if (type.kind_of?(String)) @type = type end end attr_accessor :patchlevel, :suppdate attr_reader :major, :minor, :type include Comparable def to_s if (@type and not @type.empty?) "#{major}.#{minor}.#{@type.upcase}" else "#{major}.#{minor}" end end def to_i major << 8 | minor end def <=>(other) hi = @major <=> other.major lo = @minor <=> other.minor return hi == 0 ? lo : hi end end def macro_def(macro, value, string=true) if (string) %Q{#define #{macro}\t"#{value}"} else %Q{#define #{macro}\t#{value}} end end def create_p4rubyconf_header(p4api_version, libs) File.open("p4rubyconf.h", "w") do |ch| ch.puts(macro_def("P4APIVER_STRING", p4api_version.to_s)) ch.puts(macro_def("P4APIVER_ID", p4api_version.to_i, false)) ch.puts(macro_def("P4API_PATCHLEVEL", p4api_version.patchlevel, false)) ch.puts(macro_def("P4API_PATCHLEVEL_STRING", p4api_version.patchlevel.to_s)) ch.puts(macro_def("P4RUBY_VERSION", P4::VERSION)) ch.puts(macro_def("WITH_LIBS", libs, true)) end end #============================================================================== # P4API (C++ API) Helpers # # We do not have system installers yet, so allow most people to just get a # version downloaded if since they very likely do not care about it. # If the user has *not* specified --with-p4api-dir, check the --enable-p4api-download # flag, and download the p4api before proceeding, unless that's disabled. # # This may be a little confusing. If people specify --with-p4api-dir, we want # use only use that setting. If that setting is wrong, we want to fail. # # If they don't set the --with-p4api-dir, we'll proceed as if --enable-p4api-download # has been set. Otherwise, they can --disable-p4api-download to ensure we # just don't bother doing anything. def resolve_p4api_dir p4api_dir = nil # When running rake compile, use this instead of other options, I'm not sure how # gem/bundler options are passed through via rake if ENV.has_key?('p4api_dir') p4api_dir = ENV['p4api_dir'] dir_config('p4api', "#{p4api_dir}/include", "#{p4api_dir}/lib") end if !p4api_dir && !with_config('p4api-dir') && enable_config('p4api-download', true) download_api_via_ftp unzip_file p4api_dir = downloaded_p4api_dir dir_config('p4api', "#{p4api_dir}/include", "#{p4api_dir}/lib") elsif with_config('p4api_dir') p4api_dir = with_config('p4api-dir') dir_config('p4api', "#{p4api_dir}/include", "#{p4api_dir}/lib") elsif !p4api_dir raise '--with-p4api-dir option has not been specified, and --disable-p4api-download is in effect' end p4api_dir end def resolve_ssl_dirs ssl_dir = nil # When running rake compile, use this instead of other options, I'm not sure how # gem/bundler options are passed through via rake if ENV.has_key?('ssl_dir') ssl_dir = ENV['ssl_dir'] dir_config('ssl', "#{ssl_dir}/include", "#{ssl_dir}/lib") puts "SSL Path #{ssl_dir}" end if ENV.has_key?('ssl_include_dir') && ENV.has_key?('ssl_lib_dir') ssl_include_dir = ENV['ssl_include_dir'] ssl_lib_dir = ENV['ssl_lib_dir'] dir_config('ssl', ssl_include_dir, ssl_lib_dir) puts "SSL Includes #{ssl_include_dir} Lib #{ssl_lib_dir}" end ssl_dir end # Our 'cpu' label we use as part of the directory name on ftp.perforce.com def p4_cpu(os) cpu = RbConfig::CONFIG['target_cpu'] case os when :darwin, :linux if cpu =~ /i686/ 'x86' else cpu end else case cpu when /ia/i 'ia64' else cpu end end end # The p4_platform is our label that basically ends up being part of the # directory name where we can download files from. def p4_platform_label case RbConfig::CONFIG["target_os"].downcase when /nt|mswin|mingw/ # Ruby on windows is only MinGW via Rubyinstaller.org, though this may # not work on all rubies. if RbConfig::CONFIG['MAJOR'].to_i >= 2 # Note that x64 or x86 needs to be suffixed to this 'mingw64' else 'mingwx86' end when /darwin/ "darwin90#{p4_cpu(:darwin)}" when /solaris/ "solaris10#{p4_cpu(:solaris)}" when /linux/ "linux26#{p4_cpu(:linux)}" when /cygwin/ raise 'cygwin is not supported for the --download-p4api option' end end def platform_dir_name "bin.#{p4_platform_label}" end def ftp_download_dir(version) "perforce/#{version}/#{platform_dir_name}" end def filename if RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'].downcase =~ /nt|mswin|mingw/ 'p4api.zip' else 'p4api.tgz' end end def remote_files_matching(ftp, dir, regex) ftp.ls(dir.to_s).map { |entry| if match = entry.match(regex) yield match else nil end }.reject { |entry| entry.nil? } end def find_latest_with_p4api(ftp, versions) versions.reverse_each { |v| begin remote_files_matching(ftp, "r#{v}/#{platform_dir_name}/", /p4api/) do return v end rescue next end } end def find_latest_version_dir(ftp) ftp.chdir('perforce') # Capture all versions versions = remote_files_matching(ftp, '.', /r(1\d\.\d)/) { |m| m.captures.first }.sort version = find_latest_with_p4api(ftp, versions) ftp.chdir('..') "r#{version}" end # Downloads the C++ P4API via FTP to the local directory, then 'initializes' it # by unpacking it. def download_api_via_ftp ftp = Net::FTP.new('ftp.perforce.com') ftp.passive=true ftp.login # At one point, we allowed the gem build to just find the most recent p4api build. # P4Ruby probably shouldn't do that by default. #version_dir = find_latest_version_dir(ftp) version_dir = P4API_VERSION_DIR dir = ftp_download_dir(version_dir) ftp.chdir(dir) puts "downloading #{filename} from #{dir} on ftp.perforce.com" ftp.getbinaryfile(filename) ensure ftp.close if ftp and !ftp.closed? end def unzip_file if RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'].downcase =~ /nt|mswin|mingw/ `unzip #{filename}` else `tar xzf #{filename}` end end def downloaded_p4api_dir File.absolute_path(Dir.entries('.').select { |x| x =~ /^p4api/ and File.directory?(x) }.first) end #============================================================================== # Main script puts "p4osname #{p4osname}" puts "p4osver #{p4osver}" # Specify different toolsets based on the platform type. set_platform_opts # We setup these flags in the beginning, before any libraries are detected, # based solely on platform detection. set_platform_cppflags set_platform_cflags puts "$CPPFLAGS #{$CPPFLAGS}" puts "$CFLAGS #{$CFLAGS}" # Setup additional system library definitions based on platform type before # we setup other libraries, in order to preserve linking order set_platform_libs puts "$LDFLAGS #{$LDFLAGS}" p4api_dir = resolve_p4api_dir puts "P4API Path #{p4api_dir}" resolve_ssl_dirs # If we happen to need SSL on Windows, we also need gdi32 if RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'].downcase =~ /mingw/ have_library('gdi32') or raise end do_ssl = have_library('crypto') and have_library('ssl') unless do_ssl have_library('p4sslstub') or raise end have_library('supp') or raise have_library('rpc') or raise have_library('client') or raise puts "$libs #{$libs}" # Parse the Version file into a ruby structure version_info = P4ApiVersion.load(p4api_dir) create_p4rubyconf_header(version_info, $libs) # This will generate a standard extconf.h based on what we discover locally. # These are typically just 'yes I have such and such a library', which I # don't believe we need to rely on actually. create_header create_makefile('P4')
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#2 | 15525 | surajdolby |
Ensure that CPU is always x86_64 on OS X. Print the download path before issueing FTP commands to help debugging, |
#1 | 15524 | surajdolby |
Populate -o //guest/perforce_software/p4ruby/main/... //guest/surajdolby/p4ruby/.... |
//guest/perforce_software/p4ruby/main/ext/P4/extconf.rb | |||||
#5 | 14719 | tjuricek |
Mirroring the current state of the workshop. From this point, we will try to rebuild the history of p4-ruby in the workshop from this codeline. |
#4 | 14716 | tjuricek |
2014.2.0.pre5 - Clearing the charset (calling ClientApi::SetTrans(0)) if the charset property is nil or none during construction. Changed README to use the correct incantation of --with-p4api-dir. Additionally, fixed an issue using that option in lieu of the ftp.perforce.com download. Also, removing any embedded distribution of the p4api. RubyGems sets a strict file size limit, which means we won't be able to distribute the C++ API embedded through their site. Imported from Git Author: Tristan Juricek <tjuricek@perforce.com> 1423518911 -0800 Committer: Tristan Juricek <tjuricek@perforce.com> 1423518911 -0800 sha1: 90ef9f83b0f53ac88223636c0ad653ab5b00e528 push-state: complete parent-changes: d10c4cae76976e7ca616cf17e116c9a16994236a=[999733] |
#3 | 14709 | tjuricek |
Added p4api distribution to the gem to avoid problems with accessing ftp.perforce.com. Imported from Git Author: Tristan Juricek <mr.tristan@gmail.com> 1421449615 -0800 Committer: Tristan Juricek <mr.tristan@gmail.com> 1421449615 -0800 sha1: 0ee1ad0df0afa24cced9c06798fe0bef2bcde3c2 push-state: complete parent-changes: ff7dae2417a343af394a3cfdbcbfb1706b62df2c=[987544] |
#2 | 14690 | tjuricek |
Set passive=true before logging in to fix gem install problems in Docker environments. P4RUBY-171 Imported from Git Author: Tristan Juricek <tjuricek@perforce.com> 1417551368 -0800 Committer: Tristan Juricek <tjuricek@perforce.com> 1417551368 -0800 sha1: 07b676b152f0d146267480f3a9dff06603e0fe02 push-state: complete parent-changes: 46add71916859f2196e5af191be8ddd837dd5c4a=[964737] |
#1 | 14682 | Git Fusion |
Git Fusion branch management Imported from Git ghost-of-change-num: 960958 ghost-of-sha1: 005052ae424bd69f426f7209e741ca1c8c3253c7 ghost-precedes-sha1: ad052c71a568ef12165e143a6866ad9ceffbb4a1 parent-branch: None@960958 push-state: incomplete |