<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Perforce Public Depot </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> <CENTER> <P> <A NAME="toc"></A> <A HREF=../index.html><IMG SRC="../images/logo.gif" alt="Perforce" border=0></A> <H1> Welcome to the Perforce Public Depot </H1> <P> <TABLE BORDER=0><TR><TD> <B> <UL> <LI><A HREF="#aboutPerforce">About Perforce and the Public Depot </A> <LI><A HREF="#roadmap">The Depot Road Map </A> <LI><A HREF="#howtobrowse">How to Browse the Depot </A> <LI><A HREF="#howtocontrib">How to Contribute to the Depot </A> </UL> </UL> </TABLE> </CENTER> <br> <br> <br> <!------------------------------------------------------------------> <P> <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%><TR><TD BGCOLOR=FFCC66> <A NAME="aboutPerforce"></A> <H2>About Perforce and the Public Depot </H2> <TD WIDTH=5% BGCOLOR=FFCC66 ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT SIZE="-2"><A HREF="#toc"> Back to Table of Contents</A> </TABLE> <P> If you haven't heard about <b>Perforce, the Fast Software Configuration Management System</b>, head over to our <a href="http://www.perforce.com">home page</a> and read all about it. <P> <TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=RIGHT WIDTH=25% CELLPADDING=5 CELLSPACING=5 > <TR><TD BGCOLOR="#DDDDDD" ><FONT SIZE=-1> One of Perforce's many distinguishing features is that it can be used over the internet to track shared software development. A Perforce server stores files in a <i>depot</i>, and developers all over the world can submit changes to the depot. The orderly management of file changes and merges is provided by the Perforce SCM system. </FONT> </TD></TR></TABLE> <P> We've set up this Public Depot to enable software developers outside of our company to contribute to the growing body of helpful tools, interfaces, and adjunct documentation for Perforce users. To this end: <ul> <P> <li> We've submitted all of the user-contributed Perforce supporting programs and FAQs we've collected into the Public Depot. <p> <LI> We've moved our CodeWarrior integration (Perforce client software for Macintosh users) from our own source code tree into the Public Depot. <p> <li> Finally, we've set up a <a href="http://public.perforce.com/public/jam/src/Jam.html">Jam/MR</a> source code directory in the Public Depot, since so many users have suggested excellent changes we just don't have time to implement. </ul> <P> If you're interested in contributing to any of the software or documentation in the Public Depot, read on to find out how. Or, if you're simply interested in seeing how Perforce works, you'll find the Public Depot to be an accessible model of real, distributed, concurrent source management in action. <!------------------------------------------------------------------> <P> <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%><TR><TD BGCOLOR=FFCC66> <A NAME="roadmap"></A> <H2>The Depot Roadmap </H2> <TD WIDTH=5% BGCOLOR=FFCC66 ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT SIZE="-2"><A HREF="#toc"> Back to Table of Contents</A> </TABLE> <CENTER> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0> <TR> <TD WIDTH=41> <TD WIDTH=41> <TD WIDTH=41> <TD WIDTH=41> <TD WIDTH=41> <TD WIDTH=41> <TD> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=2><FONT SIZE=4> <A HREF="http://public.perforce.com/cgi-bin/p4db/dtb.cgi?FSPC=public"> public </A> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_bl.gif border=0> <TD> <TD> <TD> <TR> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_tr.gif BORDER=0> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_horiz.gif BORDER=0> <TD COLSPAN=2><FONT SIZE=4> <A HREF="http://public.perforce.com/cgi-bin/p4db/dtb.cgi?FSPC=public/perforce"> perforce </A> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_bl.gif border=0> <TD> <TD><B>Perforce <TR> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_vert.gif BORDER=0> <TD> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_tr.gif BORDER=0> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_horiz.gif BORDER=0> <TD><FONT SIZE=4> <A HREF="http://public.perforce.com/cgi-bin/p4db/dtb.cgi?FSPC=public/perforce/utils"> utils </A> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_bl.gif border=0> <TD>Conversion scripts, browsers, daemons, and other supporting programs. <TR> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_vert.gif BORDER=0> <TD> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_tr.gif BORDER=0> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_horiz.gif BORDER=0> <TD><FONT SIZE=4> <A HREF="http://public.perforce.com/cgi-bin/p4db/dtb.cgi?FSPC=public/perforce/faq"> faq </A> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_bl.gif border=0> <TD>Frequently-asked questions and other user-contributed documentation. <TR> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_vert.gif BORDER=0> <TD> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_llcorner.gif BORDER=0> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_horiz.gif BORDER=0> <TD><FONT SIZE=4> <A HREF="http://public.perforce.com/cgi-bin/p4db/dtb.cgi?FSPC=public/perforce/mac"> mac </A> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_bl.gif border=0> <TD>Supporting software specific to Macintosh users. <TR> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_vert.gif BORDER=0> <TR> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_llcorner.gif BORDER=0> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_horiz.gif BORDER=0> <TD COLSPAN=2><FONT SIZE=4> <A HREF="http://public.perforce.com/cgi-bin/p4db/dtb.cgi?FSPC=public/jam"> jam </A> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_bl.gif border=0> <TD> <TD><B>Jam/MR <TR> <TD> <TD> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_tr.gif BORDER=0> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_horiz.gif BORDER=0> <TD><FONT SIZE=4> <A HREF="http://public.perforce.com/cgi-bin/p4db/dtb.cgi?FSPC=public/jam/src"> src </A> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_bl.gif border=0> <TD>Source code, base rules, & base documentation. <TR> <TD> <TD> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_tr.gif BORDER=0> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_horiz.gif BORDER=0> <TD><FONT SIZE=4> <A HREF="http://public.perforce.com/cgi-bin/p4db/dtb.cgi?FSPC=public/jam/faq"> faq </A> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_bl.gif border=0> <TD>Frequently-asked questions and other user-contributed documentation. <TR> <TD> <TD> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_llcorner.gif BORDER=0> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_horiz.gif BORDER=0> <TD><FONT SIZE=4> <A HREF="http://public.perforce.com/cgi-bin/p4db/dtb.cgi?FSPC=public/jam/rules"> rules </A> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_bl.gif border=0> <TD>Interesting user-contributed Jambase & Jamrules files. <TR> <TD COLSPAN=2><FONT SIZE=4> <A HREF="http://public.perforce.com/cgi-bin/p4db/dtb.cgi?FSPC=guest"> guest </A> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_bl.gif border=0> <TD> <TD> <TR> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_llcorner.gif BORDER=0> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_horiz.gif BORDER=0> <TD COLSPAN=3><FONT SIZE=4><I>your_name_here</I> <TD><IMG SRC=../images/diag_bl.gif border=0> <TD><B>Guest branches </TABLE> </CENTER> <!------------------------------------------------------------------> <P> <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%> <TR><TD BGCOLOR=FFCC66> <A NAME="howtobrowse"></A> <H2>How to Browse the Public Depot </H2> <TD WIDTH=5% BGCOLOR=FFCC66 ALIGN=RIGHT> <FONT SIZE="-2"><A HREF="#toc"> Back to Table of Contents</A> </TABLE> <!------------------------------------------------------------------> <p> If you're simply curious about our Public Depot, please browse freely. Here's how: <UL> <LI> <p> Start <A HREF="http://public.perforce.com/cgi-bin/p4db/index.cgi">here</A> to browse the Public Depot using <A HREF="http://public.perforce.com/cgi-bin/p4db/sfv.cgi?TYPE=HTML&FSPC=//public/perforce/utils/p4db/README.html&REV=head">P4DB</A>, a suite of CGI scripts contributed by Fredric Fredricson. <p> <LI> We also have <A HREF="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/webkeeper.html">WebKeeper</A><SUP><SMALL>TM</SMALL></SUP> installed, so if you know exactly which depot file you want to see, you can give it to your web browser as a URL, using <B><CODE>http://public.perforce.com</CODE></B> as the root. For example, to look at this file: <PRE> //public/jam/src/jam.c</PRE> You'd use this URL: <PRE> http://public.perforce.com/public/jam/src/jam.c</PRE> <P> <LI> Finally, if you are a Perforce user, you can use any <b>p4</b> or <b>P4Win</b> reporting commands to browse the Public Depot. Just set your P4PORT to: <PRE> public.perforce.com:1666</pre> <p> (<B>p4</B> and <B>P4Win</B> are Perforce client programs which can be <A HREF="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/loadprog.html">downloaded</A> for free. <B>p4</B> is a command-line program available for all platforms, and <B>P4Win</B> is a Windows GUI available for Windows 95 and Windows NT.) <P> Unless you are a registered user in the Public Depot, any changes you make to your client or user specification may be deleted by the maintentance crew. See <a href="#howtocontrib">How to Contribute</a> for instructions on becoming a registered user. </UL> <P> To report Public Depot access problems, please email <a href="mailto:info@perforce.com">info@perforce.com</a>. <P> <!------------------------------------------------------------------> <P> <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%> <TR><TD BGCOLOR=FFCC66> <A NAME="howtocontrib"></A> <H2>How to Contribute to the Public Depot </H2> <TD WIDTH=5% BGCOLOR=FFCC66 ALIGN=RIGHT> <FONT SIZE="-2"><A HREF="#toc"> Back to Table of Contents</A> </TABLE> <!------------------------------------------------------------------> <br><br><br> <HR> <CENTER> <FONT SIZE=-2> You're browsing a file stored as<br> <code>$Id: //public/index.html#8 $</code><br> in the <A HREF=http://public.perforce.com/public/index.html>Perforce Public Depot</A>. <br> <br> Copyright 1998 Perforce Software </BODY>
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#47 | 9981 | laurette | Obsolete, deleting. | ||
#46 | 6276 | Sam Stafford | Change old pages to http://public.perforce.com/wiki/ redirects. | ||
#45 | 6026 | rlo |
Public depot fixes: * Titles formatted similarly * Navbar changed and shortened * Change review taken out of navbar * Links fixed |
#44 | 6025 | rlo |
Public Depot Redesign goes live * Skin matches KB and latest WWW skin * Rudimentary search mechanism based on google * did this already, but made some big mistakes and it was easier to obliterate and start over * about the above: yikes! |
#43 | 5660 | michael | Fix links to P4DB. | ||
#42 | 5416 | michael |
Provide pointers to P4DB in //guest branch and remove from //public. Provide link to security notice in Bugtraq. |
#41 | 4266 | michael | Update link to P4DB. | ||
#40 | 4262 | michael | Note that browsing via P4DB is currently disabled. | ||
#39 | 2726 | Perforce maintenance | Fix typo in index page. | ||
#38 | 2442 | rmg |
Add blanket disclaimer of warranty to the top of the "How to Browse the Public Depot" section. |
#37 | 2244 | rmg | Fix for job009083 [in computer:1666!] (poorly rendered sidebar). | ||
#36 | 2142 | rmg |
Starting to do the "Jam M/R" -> "Jam" rename, in the top-level places. |
#35 | 2123 | rmg | Supporting Programs -> Related Software | ||
#34 | 2031 | rmg |
Add information to go with the newly-installed p4ftpd access to the Public Depot. http://public.perforce.com/public/index.html#howtobrowse cc: tony@perforce.com, laura@perforce.com |
#33 | 1958 | rmg | Fix three broken links reported by reb | ||
#32 | 1882 | rmg | Fix the link to p4db distribution directory | ||
#31 | 1551 | rmg |
Add the official "Back-in-Time Browsing (R)" incantation, per Laura's suggestion. |
#30 | 1196 | rmg | Change to new logo on the main index page. | ||
#29 | 1123 | Perforce staff |
Resubmit as type ktext so (I think) webkeeper will display the correct MIME type. |
#28 | 968 | rmg |
Change mail addresses from "info@perforce.com" to "opensource@perforce.com" (now that the "opensource" address exists). |
#27 | 955 | rmg | Remind about the EMail: field, too! | ||
#26 | 954 | rmg |
Add a section "Subscribing to Change Notifications Via Email". This may want to move into the Tutorial at some point, but I don't want to bury it there while it's a new feature. cc: rmg@perforce.com |
#25 | 949 | rmg | Add the new "integrations" directory, and the link to p4ot. | ||
#24 | 776 | rmg |
Adjust the revml index (per feedback from barries and others) and point the top level index link at it. |
#23 | 757 | rmg |
add the link to cdsp4 tighten up the vertical spacing a bit |
#22 | 735 | rlo |
Rev ML on index page. Still no description of what it does, but it's now at least visible |
#21 | 569 | rlo | Public depot pointer to p4dti source | ||
#20 | 485 | Laura Wingerd | Update references to P4Web. | ||
#19 | 465 | Laura Wingerd | Reorganize "How to Browse", add P4Web links. | ||
#18 | 156 | Laura Wingerd | Publish Mike Meyer's Python interface to Perforce API. | ||
#17 | 114 | Laura Wingerd | Fix typos in links. | ||
#16 | 94 | Laura Wingerd |
Re-org "triggers" directory -- it's now part of the "Perforce Utilities" project. |
#15 | 52 | Laura Wingerd | Minor web page format changes. | ||
#14 | 51 | Laura Wingerd | Update copyright year. | ||
#13 | 50 | Laura Wingerd | Minor PD doc changes. | ||
#12 | 46 | Perforce maintenance | Add WebKeeper source. | ||
#11 | 42 | Laura Wingerd | Fix links in index pages, add one for jam. | ||
#10 | 28 | Perforce maintenance | Reword intro, fix typos, fix navbars | ||
#9 | 26 | Perforce maintenance | Fleshed out "how to contribute". | ||
#8 | 22 | Perforce maintenance | Added "About the depot" section. | ||
#7 | 19 | Perforce maintenance | Fix browser links, add lost trailer back in. | ||
#6 | 15 | Perforce maintenance | Added browser links to index. | ||
#5 | 10 | Perforce maintenance | Added "How to Browse". | ||
#4 | 9 | Perforce maintenance | Add road map & nicer formatting. | ||
#3 | 8 | Perforce maintenance | Change to ktext. | ||
#2 | 7 | Perforce maintenance | Test links in index page. | ||
#1 | 6 | Perforce maintenance | Open source depot index. |