8 years agostuartr commented on change 20786 for p4-jenkins:main Are there release notes for p4java 2015.2.1365273? | ||
9 years agostuartr updated files in review 20255 for p4-jenkins:main [JENKINS-34972] - Re-configure populate's pin option to be a sync label with a check box option to pin the build at that label. - implemented readRes...olve for backwards compatibility with old data populate options data - old pin entries will be converted to the new PopulateLabel entry with the pinned field set to true #review-20255 @paul_allen « | ||
9 years agostuartr archived review 20232 for Abandoning this solution for now | ||
9 years agostuartr updated files in review 20255 for p4-jenkins:main [JENKINS-34972] - Re-configure populate's pin option to be a sync label with a check box option to pin the build at that label. - implemented readRes...olve for backwards compatibility with old data populate options data - old pin entries will be converted to the new PopulateLabel entry with the pinned field set to true #review-20255 @paul_allen « | ||
9 years agostuartr updated files in review 20255 for p4-jenkins:main [JENKINS-34972] - Re-configure populate's pin option to be a sync label with a check box option to pin the build at that label. - implemented readRes...olve for backwards compatibility with old data populate options data - old pin entries will be converted to the new PopulateLabel entry with the pinned field set to true #review-20255 @paul_allen « | ||
9 years agostuartr commented on review 20255 (Populate.java, line 18) for p4-jenkins:main non final because we may need to override in readResolve() below | ||
9 years agostuartr commented on review 20255 (PerforceScm.java, line 318) for p4-jenkins:main We only set a limit in the PollTask if the pinned option is checked. This retains the current behavior of the pin field. | ||
9 years agostuartr commented on review 20255 (Populate.java, line 58) for p4-jenkins:main This is the first time I've had to handle backwards compatibility in a plugin. I just followed https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Hint+on+ret ...This is the first time I've had to handle backwards compatibility in a plugin. I just followed https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Hint+on+retaining+backward+compatibility This worked in a local test where I built the plugin without my shelf, created a job with a pin and then rebuilt the plugin with the shelf. This method was invoked on startup and properly migrated the settings to the new field. « | ||
9 years agostuartr requested review 20255 for p4-jenkins:main [JENKINS-34972] - Re-configure populate's pin option to be a sync label with a check box option to pin the build at that label. - implemented readRes...olve for backwards compatibility with old data populate options data - old pin entries will be converted to the new PopulateLabel entry with the pinned field set to true #review @paul_allen « | ||
9 years agostuartr commented on review 20232 for I agree - I have two alternate ideas:
I agree - I have two alternate ideas:
| ||
9 years agostuartr edited a comment on review 20161 for No unfortunately I'm not attending this year. I'd be happy to collaborate on this in some way though. My company hasn't transitioned to Pipeline yet, ...No unfortunately I'm not attending this year. I'd be happy to collaborate on this in some way though. My company hasn't transitioned to Pipeline yet, so exposing a Task that we could construct and invoke from the BuildFlow DSL was necessary. I'll email you example code snippet to show how we're using it currently. « | ||
9 years agostuartr commented on review 20161 for No unfortunately I'm not attending this year. I'd be happy to collaborate on this in some way though. My company hasn't transitioned to Pipeline yet, ...No unfortunately I'm not attending this year. I'd be happy to collaborate on this in some way though. My company hasn't transitioned to Pipeline yet, so exposing a Task that we could construct and invoke from the DSL BuildFlow was necessary. I'll email you example code snippet to show how we're using it currently. « | ||
9 years agostuartr commented on review 20243 for p4-jenkins:main I can't remember what problem this issue caused exactly, but we found it while implementing getAffectedFiles (which you've already implemented under / ...I can't remember what problem this issue caused exactly, but we found it while implementing getAffectedFiles (which you've already implemented under //guest/perforce_software/p4jenkins/main/...) « | ||
9 years agostuartr requested review 20243 for p4-jenkins:main Access 'author' User and User url through the current P4ChangeEntry | ||
9 years agostuartr updated files in review 20164 for [JENKINS-37487] Don't disconnect from the P4 server immediately after an abort is detected #review-20164 @paul_allen | ||
9 years agostuartr updated files in review 20232 for | ||
9 years agostuartr updated files in review 20161 for [JENKINS-37457] Implementing GroovyScriptTask - exposed as a normal build step through GroovyScriptBuilder / GroovyScriptBuilderStep - exposed as a w...orkflow/pipeline step trough P4GroovyScriptStep #review-20161 @paul_allen « | ||
9 years agostuartr committed change 20238 into Copying latest from //guest/perforce_software/p4jenkins/main/...@20226 to //guest/stuartr/p4jenkins/main/... | ||
9 years agostuartr updated files in review 20232 for | ||
9 years agostuartr commented on review 20232 for This feature is to get around one limitation with the Pin feature - references to tokens cannot be used because there is no workspace available during ...This feature is to get around one limitation with the Pin feature - references to tokens cannot be used because there is no workspace available during polling. The syncLabel option is only used during syncing and not during polling. « | ||
9 years agostuartr requested review 20232 for | ||
9 years agostuartr updated files in review 20161 for [JENKINS-37457] Implementing GroovyScriptTask - exposed as a normal build step through GroovyScriptBuilder / GroovyScriptBuilderStep - exposed as a w...orkflow/pipeline step trough P4GroovyScriptStep #review-20161 @paul_allen « | ||
9 years agostuartr committed change 20229 into [JENKINS-32064] Support for Multiple SCMs Plugin - add optional dependency on multiple-scms - add helper method for safely casting SCM object to Perf...orceSCM instance, especially in the scenario where the SCM object is a MultiSCM instance #review-20167 @paul_allen « | ||
9 years agostuartr committed change 20220 into | ||
9 years agostuartr commented on review 20188 for p4-jenkins:main I'm happy with it, thanks! | ||
9 years agostuartr edited a comment on review 20161 for I've been using the GroovyScriptTask quite heavily over the last few months through the BuildFlow plugin. I've added the builder and workflow / pipeli ...I've been using the GroovyScriptTask quite heavily over the last few months through the BuildFlow plugin. I've added the builder and workflow / pipeline support to fill out this feature for pushback, but I'm not sure what to do about groovy sandbox support to make this more secure. « | ||
9 years agostuartr commented on review 20124 (P4Server.java, line 162) for I submitted to my guest depot in 20153, it's ready to be merged | ||
9 years agostuartr requested review 20167 for [JENKINS-32064] Support for Multiple SCMs Plugin - add optional dependency on multiple-scms - add helper method for safely casting SCM object to Perf...orceSCM instance, especially in the scenario where the SCM object is a MultiSCM instance #review @paul_allen « | ||
9 years agostuartr requested review 20164 for [JENKINS-37487] Don't disconnect from the P4 server immediately after an abort is detected #review @paul_allen | ||
9 years agostuartr commented on review 20161 for I've been GroovyScriptTask quite heavily over the last few months through the BuildFlow plugin. I've added the builder and workflow / pipeline support ...I've been GroovyScriptTask quite heavily over the last few months through the BuildFlow plugin. I've added the builder and workflow / pipeline support to fill out this feature for pushback, but I'm not sure what to do about groovy sandbox support to make this more secure. « | ||
9 years agostuartr requested review 20161 for [JENKINS-37457] Implementing GroovyScriptTask - exposed as a normal build step through GroovyScriptBuilder / GroovyScriptBuilderStep - exposed as a w...orkflow/pipeline step trough P4GroovyScriptStep #review @paul_allen « | ||
9 years agostuartr committed change 20153 into | ||
9 years agostuartr requested review 20139 for | ||
9 years agostuartr commented on review 20124 (P4Server.java, line 162) for The same reason you mentioned in your comment on the related JIRA ticket: The same reason you mentioned in your comment on the related JIRA ticket: The backoff algorithm is a better solution - I just mimicked what was being done already in start() and stop(). I'll make the change in a follow up review. « | ||
9 years agostuartr requested review 20124 for | ||
9 years agostuartr committed change 20120 into Branching //guest/perforce_software/p4jenkins/main/... to //guest/stuartr/p4jenkins/main/... | ||
Change | User | Description | Created | ||
20270 | stuartr | Unshelved from pending changelist '20231': [JENKINS-34972] Implement sync to label popu...late option #review-20232 @paul_allen « |
9 years ago | Request Review | |
20251 | stuartr | [JENKINS-34972] - Re-configure populate's pin option to be a sync label with a check box o...ption to pin the build at that label. - implemented readResolve for backwards compatibility with old data populate options data - old pin entries will be converted to the new PopulateLabel entry with the pinned field set to true #review-20255 @paul_allen « |
9 years ago | View Review | |
20163 | stuartr | [JENKINS-37487] Don't disconnect from the P4 server immediately after an abort is detected... #review-20164 @paul_allen « |
9 years ago | View Review | |
20160 | stuartr | [JENKINS-37457] Implementing GroovyScriptTask - exposed as a normal build step through Gr...oovyScriptBuilder / GroovyScriptBuilderStep - exposed as a workflow/pipeline step trough P4GroovyScriptStep #review-20161 @paul_allen « |
9 years ago | View Review |
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