Change | User | Description | Committed |
31345 | Mark Zinthefer | Adding trigger script to enforce the type of a changelist to "restricted" | 4 days ago |
31344 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added default P4ALIASES for perforce OS user to SDP. | 4 days ago |
31329 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added summary of errors and warnings at the end. This summary is displayed by default. A... '-skip_summary' option has been added to suppress the summary. Added checks for existence of statepullL and statefailover files in P4ROOT on p4d servers. A warning is reported if these files exist, advising the user to remove these failover remnant files. Addressed some issues reported by shellcheck. #review-31330 @robert_cowham « |
7 days ago |
31317 | C. Thomas Tyler | Tweaked set of tables to be used for edge servers to work for recovery with modern SDP on... a pre-2019.1 data set. The CheckpointTables variable appends only if the p4d version is new enough to use « |
20 days ago |
31314 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added P4IGNORE entries useful clients associated with the //sdp/dev_insitu stream rooted... at /p4. « |
23 days ago |
31313 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added '.service' alternatives for all systemctl services, because command completion on s...ome platforms appends the '.service' suffix, and the sudo entries will not work unless '.service' is listed. So for example, now both of these will work: $ sudo systemctl start p4d_1 $ sudo systemctl start p4d_1.service Added support for the opt_perforce_sdp_backup service and timer, including adding explicit support for enabling and disabling the timer. « |
25 days ago |
31311 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated run_if_*.sh scripts: * Fixed bug in * Normalized command line v...erification. * Removed 'set -e' from run_if_*.sh scripts to improve reliability. * Made ShellCheck compliant. #review-31312 « |
30 days ago |
31310 | C. Thomas Tyler | Simplified and clarified messaging about Mac OSX support: It is not supported. Also... added clarity about bash version requirements, i.e. requires bash 4.x+, works with 5.x+. (Lack of support for Mac OSX is for several reasons, one being that Mac OSX as of Sequoia ships only with bash 3.x). « |
30 days ago |
31307 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added mention of SuSE 15 in PLATFORM SUPPORT section, after recent changes to support tha...t platform. « |
30 days ago |
31304 | C. Thomas Tyler | Corrected '*/60 * * * *' entries in crontab to be "0 * * * *'. This has the same ... meaning (run every hour), but uses valid syntax that works across Linux distros. The */60 syntax, while technically invalid, is interpreted as intended on RHEL/Rocky and Ubuntu distros, but is rejected as invalid on SuSE Linux (where it is righteously rejected). Replacing '*/60' with '0' has the same symantic mealing but uses a syntax valid across platforms. « |
about a month ago |
31303 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed issue where invalid sudoers file could be generated if setcap and getcap are not av...ailable, e.g. on SuSE 15 systems. Added helix-auth to standard list of managed services. « |
about a month ago |
31300 | C. Thomas Tyler | Made 'p4p' and 'p4proxy' completely synonomous. Fixed an issue in where, if i...nstalling proxy with 'ServerType=p4p' in the config file but not using '-t p4p', it would trying installing non-proxy elements. Similar for p4broker. This was due to logic determining user intent occuring only during command line processing needed to be deferred until after the config file was processed, allowing either '-t p4p' on the command line or 'ServerType=p4p' in the mkdirs.cfg file to have the same effect, as intended. command line processing « |
about a month ago |
31297 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed bug adding multiple additional OS groups. | about a month ago |
31293 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed chicken-and-egg issue with non-default p4d version selected in to error. This fix also makes determination of the default version for P4 binaries more robust. « |
about a month ago |
31290 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Completed changes needed to make p4d_master an alias for p4d_commit and still allow both. |
about a month ago |
31285 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fix so MASTER_ID value written into mkdirs.N.cfg file is correct. This fixes an issue p4_N.vars files are generated with an incorrect P4MASTER_ID value. With this change, passsing the ServerID from to called will no longer require the '-s <ServerID>' nor the '-t <ServerType>' command line options. Also change text in generated config file to indicate that it is OK to set the ServerID of a commit/master server if you have a desired ServerID that is different from the SDP-default (currently master.N). Adjusted terminology to prefer 'p4d_commit' over 'p4d_master', but preserve p4d_master as a synonym for backward compatibility with older config giles. #review-31286 « |
about a month ago |
31282 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added policycoreutils-python-utils package to yum/dnf repo list. | about a month ago |
31262 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed issue with detection of whether 'perforce' user pre-exists if it was created with L...DAP (where the 'id -u' is not a reliable check). This resulted in a failure to create the perforce OS user because 'useradd' won't work in an LDAP environment. Warning: Review code carefully; the test suite does not currently simulate an LDAP environment, so this requires manual testing in an LDAP environemt, at least for now. « |
about a month ago |
31261 | C. Thomas Tyler | Tweaks to make package installs even more reliable on apt-get systems. | about a month ago |
31260 | C. Thomas Tyler | Enhanced reliability on apt-get systems by avoiding interactive prompts you can get from... 'apt-get install -y', e.g. "new kernel available" messages that cause a hang. « |
about a month ago |
31254 | C. Thomas Tyler | Refined fix to work for local and online installs. | about a month ago |
31253 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed addtional bootstrapping issues in environments with bad umask. | about a month ago |
31251 | C. Thomas Tyler | Implemented elaborate workaround to gnarly RHEL/dnf bug. | 2 months ago |
31248 | C. Thomas Tyler | Enhanced to do package installation earlier so we don't get errors if required utilities... like rsync, that would be installed later by packages anyway, don't cause an abort. Fixed: SDP-1197 (Bug): now installs OS packages before checking for required utils like rsync. « |
2 months ago |
31243 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed typo in error message. | 2 months ago |
31241 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed issues related to operating on security hardened OS base images, specifically with... a non-default root umask and crontab disabled by default. « |
2 months ago |
31219 | C. Thomas Tyler | Cosmetic tweaks; non-functional change. | 2 months ago |
31210 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed issue with case-sensitivty of server spec name in configurable values. For example,... if the server spec name is p4d_edge_SITEX and is case-insensitive, the configurables displayed with p4d -cshow can look like P4D_EDGE_sitex and still be valid. An example of an issue this fixes that an edge server being migrated from Windows to Linux could have the script fail to determine that the server is an edge server; a would run fine interactively but would fail to execute from the crontab, due to the not detecting it was an edge. The situation that could cause this would be that a ServerID could be p4d_edge_SYD but the lbr.replication configurable could be set as P4D_EDGE_SYD#lbr.replication=readonly #review-31211 « |
2 months ago |
31209 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed cosmetic typo. | 2 months ago |
31185 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added more detailed information on The Site Directory (/p4/common/site). Adapted Makefi...le to generate HTML from Markdown for this special case where the /p4/common/site/ file deployed with the SDP in a runtime environment in the site folder generates an HTML elsewhere, in the SDP doc folder. Fixes SDP-722. « |
2 months ago |
31182 | C. Thomas Tyler | Adapted opt_perforce_sdp_backup service to work with SELinux in enforcing mode. Added... logic from that installs SDP the backup service into With this adjustment, the service now specifies the "on disk" location of the file; no symlinks are allowed in the absolute path to the script (to keep SELinux happy). For clarity, 'User=root' was added to the systemd service file for the backup utility. « |
2 months ago |
31178 | C. Thomas Tyler | Tweaked error message in; non-functional change. | 2 months ago |
31170 | C. Thomas Tyler | In, added '-extra' to specify tests not normally run by default, but which... can be called on request. Two additional tests added are: * commit_defined * server_type_known Fixes: * SDP-1187 * SDP-1188 #review-31171 « |
2 months ago |
31167 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed p4login bug for case-insensitive servers checking for SERVERID using case case-sens...itive check. Fixes SDP-1189 (Bug): p4login is wrongly sensitive to case of ServerID on case-insensitive server. « |
2 months ago |
31158 | C. Thomas Tyler | This is a change to unreleased new behaviour to handle the clients.readonly.dir data as of the database swap handling. Added a disk space safety check, so the refresh_P4ROOT_from_offline_db will safely abort early if there's not enough disk space to safely complete the rsync of the readonly.clients.dir folder to the offline_db prior to the database swap orchestrated by Renamed the copy function for improved clarity, and added a new rsync_with_preflight function to improve modularity. #review-31159 « |
2 months ago |
31152 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added feature to preserve client.readonly.dir during a database swap. Refined tmp file... cleanup logic to search only for tmp files owned by the defined OSUSER. #review-31153 @robert_cowham « |
2 months ago |
31151 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed typo in error message. | 2 months ago |
31147 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed bug that, if '-no_systemd' option was used, would result in erroneous error: Cou...ld not determine init mechanism. Systemd, SysV, and Launchd aren't available. Aborting. « |
2 months ago |
31136 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added content to cover scenario where P4JOURNAL is set in db.config. This addresses SDP...-737 (Doc): In SDP Legacy Upgrade Guide, advise p4d -cunset P4JOURNAL if needed. Also updated URL for list of configurables due to change in Perforce web site layout, with docs moved from somewhere under to somewhere under For example: Old URL for configurables: New URL for configurables: « |
2 months ago |
31133 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed bug detecting whether SELinux is enabled or not. | 2 months ago |
31110 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed issue where could not install non-default version of p4d binary spec...ified in the sdp_install.cfg file. Fixes SDP_1182 - ignores p4d version specified in cfg file. « |
2 months ago |
31108 | C. Thomas Tyler | Changed the SDPInfo trigger to display the additional output only if the client program c...alling the trigger is 'p4'. This fixes an issue where installing the trigger causes a Swarm crash. « |
2 months ago |
31101 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed bug where a case-insensitive server is sensitive to the case of a server spec in th...e file. If the instance is case-sensitive, then a grep for the ServerID in dumped db.server output should also be case-insensitive. An impact of the bug is that the run_if_*.sh scripts, e.g., will not work if the case of the ServerID in the $P4ROOT/ file doesn't match what shows in 'p4 servers'. The case must match if the data set is case- sensitive, but is not required to match if it is insensitive (but due to the bug, is must match). Without this code change in SDP, an easy workaround for this issue is simply to adjust the case of the ServerID value in the $P4ROOT/ file match what appears in the output of 'p4 servers'. This bug may be more likely to appear in a Windows to Linux migration. Fixes SDP-1184. #review-31102 @leif.johnson « |
3 months ago |
31082 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed bug with munging values during upgrade for P4USER, etc. Fixed SDP-...1183. « |
3 months ago |
31071 | C. Thomas Tyler | Refined man page output. | 3 months ago |
31068 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Adjusted to avoid using HOME for root; using /root as a fixed value. |
3 months ago |
31051 | C. Thomas Tyler | Tweaked to create backup dir if needed. | 3 months ago |
31050 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added script to back SDP OS Package Structure. Modified to install a sys...temd oneshot service to call this script if operating on a system using the SDP OS Package Structure (i.e. a systemd where /opt/perforce/helix-sdp exists). « |
3 months ago |
31048 | C. Thomas Tyler | Adjustment to create `/opt/perforce/helix-sdp/backup` directory. | 3 months ago |
31045 | C. Thomas Tyler | Terminology change; now referring to two structures as "SDP Classic Structure" and "SDP O...S Package Structure". « |
3 months ago |