Job | Status | Reported By | Description | Modified Date |
job000751 | Open | Karl Wirth | SVN: Not handling specific delete and branch over in same revision Customers SVN dump causes and converter does not create the revisions. For example: 117.0 A:F - trunk/US/test.txt (UTF-8) mapping: r117 => @5 118.0 R:F - trunk/APAC/test.txt (UNKNOWN) CASE-SENSITIVITY ISSUE: From node is missing from dataset; skipping! Please check case options and platform types. com.p4convert.p4.caseMode = NONE com.p4convert.p4.lowerCase = false I can reproduce this with customers SVN dump on backdoor and front door methods. It's a delete and copy file over top (revision 118 in their dump file): Revision-number: 118 Prop-content-length: 133 Content-length: 133 K 10 svn:author V 5 admin K 8 svn:date V 27 2021-01-15T01:13:31.790068Z K 7 svn:log V 33 cp US/test.txt over APAC/test.txt PROPS-END Node-path: trunk/APAC/test.txt Node-kind: file Node-action: delete Node-path: trunk/APAC/test.txt Node-kind: file Node-action: add Node-copyfrom-rev: 117 Node-copyfrom-path: trunk/US/test.txt Text-copy-source-md5: 9584b1f15ac103ba6abea161944577a2 Text-copy-source-sha1: de349faaf6b8aed497a3c751dcc6cf7baf440cd1 This revision was generated by: svn rm trunk/APAC/test.txt svn copy trunk/US/test.txt trunk/APAC/test.txt svn commit I have tried simple and more complicated reproductions of my own and I end up with what looks like the same revision history but it works in my case. For example: Node-path: release/test.txt Node-action: delete Node-path: release/test.txt Node-kind: file Node-action: add Node-copyfrom-rev: 5 Node-copyfrom-path: main/test.txt Text-copy-source-md5: 9b70a99fe8660947dcbc5db7890038ab Text-copy-source-sha1: 4d9d27ce60952fc3906a6b1319461b71b8892819 Ref: 00720106 - For SVN dump. « | 4 years ago |
job000750 | Open | Jen Bottom | Provide the option to ignore the case of file extensions in the P4Convert typemap. The customer has... many files in an SVN repo who's extensions only differ by case. They would like the files to be treated the same, regardless of extension case, and not have to specify every variation in the typemap. Currently the typemap seems to take the case of an extension in to account. This can mean that some files who's extension only differs by case, are stored with a type the user does not want or intend. « | 5 years ago |
job000749 | Open | Jen Bottom | P4Convert sometimes throws warnings about case issues, then fails with the following errors: CASE-...SENSITIVITY ISSUE: From node is missing from dataset; skipping! Please check case options and platform types. com.p4convert.p4.caseMode = NONE com.p4convert.p4.lowerCase = false Caught exception on exit java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException: /logs/tmp/<Directory> perforce_migration/<Dir>/p4_root/ws/svn/<Dir>/trunk/<Dir>/<Dir>/alpha/<Dir>/ <File>.cfg at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixCopyFile.copy(Unknown Source) at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystemProvider.copy(Unknown Source) at java.base/java.nio.file.Files.copy(Unknown Source) at com.perforce.svn.change.RevisionImport.duplicatePath( at com.perforce.svn.change.RevisionImport.branchPath( at com.perforce.svn.change.ChangeImport.addPath( at com.perforce.common.node.NodeImport.dirAction( at com.perforce.common.node.NodeImport.action( at com.perforce.svn.process.SvnProcessNode.processDir( at com.perforce.common.process.ProcessNode.process( at com.perforce.svn.process.SvnProcessChange.processChange( 170) at at at java.base/ Source) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) at java.base/ Source) Caught EXIT shutting down ... The customer suspects a race condition. They say: The case handling warning seems to be just that; a warning. The actual conversion error is thrown regardless of if the warning is present or not. If you look at the full log file I attached, the warning isn't present, but the same warning and stack trace is. I believe there's a race condition present in the converter. If re-run the conversion a couple times, it gets past this error. Unfortunately we can not obtain their data to try to reproduce the issue. I am logging this job to record the problem. « | 5 years ago |
job000744 | Open | Norman Morse | P4Convert finds svn:executable and makes the file executable, but will not clear the +x when it is&n...bsp; missing from a later SVN revision. See case 00397595 for SVN dump segments. « | 6 years ago |
job000743 | Closed | Norman Morse | An SVN dump file entry which branches a deleted revision will fail. Apparently SVN will "copy" th...e latest, undeleted version of a file to the new location. Perforce does not undelete it at the head revision, the way svn does. This causes comparison problems between the files in the SVN repository and the Perforce depot. Conversion errors show: 22 Feb 2019 17:31:24,968 INFO com.perforce.common.process.ProcessNode ... 10691.2 B:F - branches/_experimental/2012 NOVIS Refactoring/NOVIS/Screencast/AbstractScreencast.cpp (UTF-8) 22 Feb 2019 17:31:24,968 WARN com.perforce.common.client.P4Factory ... p4java: //Scopis/trunk/NeuroNavigation/Application/IO/AbstractScreencast.cpp@10670 - all revision(s) already integrated. 22 Feb 2019 17:31:24,968 WARN com.perforce.common.client.P4Factory ... p4java: //Scopis/branches/_experimental/2012 NOVIS Refactoring/NOVIS/Screencast/AbstractScreencast.cpp - file(s) not on client 22 Feb 2019 17:31:24,968 WARN com.perforce.common.client.P4Factory ... p4java: //Scopis/branches/_experimental/2012 NOVIS Refactoring/NOVIS/Screencast/A Exploring this in the debugger shows that The SVN dump entry for 10691.2 is referencing a deleted revision of AbstractScreencast.cpp. Dump is on warp in warp/cases/00369890 030619 - norman_morse Duplicate of job000599 closing... « | 6 years ago |
job000741 | Open | Norman Morse | Labels with spaces cause a crash in the converter. From case 00369890, dump files are on wa...rp:/warp/cases/00369890 Conversion has no problems until we enable the "", which throws this exception: 03 Dez 2018 11:31:25,356 ERROR com.perforce.common.process.ProcessChange ... Caught exception on exit java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2 at com.perforce.p4java.impl.generic.core.MapEntry.parseViewMappingString( at com.perforce.p4java.impl.generic.core.MapEntry.<init>( at com.perforce.p4java.impl.generic.core.Label$LabelMapping.<init>( at com.perforce.common.label.LabelImport.buildViewMap( at com.perforce.common.label.LabelImport.submit( at com.perforce.common.process.ProcessLabel.submit( at com.perforce.common.process.ProcessChange.submit( at com.perforce.svn.process.SvnProcessChange.processChange( at at at Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) at Source) 03 Dez 2018 11:31:25,366 INFO com.perforce.common.process.ProcessChange ... Caught EXIT shutting down ... cat # exclude Subversion tags: ^tags/.* I am able to reproduce this, in the debugger the crash happens in com.perforce.p4java.impl.generic.core.MapEntry.parseViewMappingString( which seems to get confused by spaces in the client entry. « | 6 years ago |
job000739 | Open | Norman Morse | SVN conversions should be able to "remap" paths. For instance remap /proj/branches/branchn...ame/src/... into //import/branches/branchname/... during the conversion From support case 00341501 « | 6 years ago |
job000738 | Open | Norman Morse | Skipped revisions should not consume a Perforce change ID. In SVN conversions with large "exclude...s" there are many skipped versions, but they are all consuming Perforce change ID's also. This makes for big changeID "gaps" in the converted repositories. From support case 00341501 « | 6 years ago |
job000737 | Open | Jen Bottom | Enable P4Convert to detect Mime Types of files, and use this to determine if the file is of type bin...ary. This would be useful when files don't have known extensions. « | 7 years ago |
job000735 | Open | Norman Morse | Cannot retype a symlink back to a file. If a symlink becomes a file in an SVN dump, P4Convert wi...ll not detect the retype, and the previous symlink will remain. From customer in case 00338240 « | 6 years ago |
job000722 | Open | Jen Bottom | Update P4Convert documentation, to state that conversions on Windows are not supported. It is my un...derstanding that they were supported for SVN conversions, but currently Windows is not supported, until issues relating to CVS paths are resolved. The and p4convert-notes.txt documents need to be updated to state that conversions on Windows are not supported. Also Windows7 needs to be removed as a supported platform. If the TSE who takes a P4Convert case does not know what I have been told, they will look at the docs, See that Windows is a supported platform, and perhaps waste hours of time. « | 7 years ago |
job000721 | Open | Norman Morse | CVS conversions on windows are failing with invalid paths. Apparently the com.p4convert.cvs.tmpDir... value is prepended to a windows drive letter path creating an invalid path. ‘tmp\D:\.......’ Reported by customer in case 00325515 « | 6 years ago |
job000720 | Closed | Norman Morse | P4Convert does not detect when an SVN symlink has been overwritten by a file. From case 00307423... customer has provided a dump which I placed on /warp/cases/00307423/p4_links.dump « | 7 years ago |
job000716 | Open | Karl Wirth | Update documentation to include more accurate dump filter When dumping an SVN repo the dump somet...imes incorrectly marks a merge of multiple revisions to a target branch as only a merge of the first revision to target. When converted this causes inaccurate contents on the target branch. To avoid this take the SVN dump in this specific way: svnadmin dump /path/to/repo | svndumpfilter include /path--drop-empty-revs --renumber-revs > my.dmp « | 6 years ago |
job000707 | Open | Jen Bottom | Provide the functionality to convert from the charset 'eucjp' to 'utf8'. ...;The customer has to manually convert their CVS root to 'utf8' before using P4Convert. If they do not do this the archive files seem to be converted without issues, but metadata (I.E changelist descriptions) is garbled. Converting the data manually takes time on top of the conversion process, so they would like P4Convert to handle this as part of its conversion process. « | 8 years ago |
job000700 | Open | lars | I have a repository with about 200.000 revisions. I want to transfer part of it to Perforce. I made... a SVN dump of the branch in question with only a subset of revisions. The import starts as expected but always stops at item 65636. There are GBs of space left on the disk and the processor is more or less idle. The logs show no error. « | 8 years ago |
job000624 | Open | jstringer | p4convert: loading an SVN dump with high ascii codes in the file or directory name are not imported... correctly. converter.log displays the file names correctly, but the files are written and submitted with incorrect names. example svn dump, "example p4convert file naming" loaded to containing sample svn dump, and resulting log files. « | 8 years ago |
job000599 | Open | Norman Morse | Branching a file to the same path with a different case can cause the branch to fail and the source... file to be deleted. From case 00251808 During a case sensitive conversion on Linux Configuration: com.p4convert.p4.caseMode=FIRST com.p4convert.p4.lowerCase=true SVN ------------------- Node-path: trunk/cedi/cedi-jbehave/jbehave-integration-tests/src/test/resources/us19_egate_e2e_volume_test.story Node-kind: file Node-action: add Node-copyfrom-rev: 54573 Node-copyfrom-path: trunk/cedi/cedi-jbehave/jbehave-integration-tests/src/test/resources/Us19_egate_e2e_volume_test.story LOG ------------------- 21 Jul 2016 08:33:01,867 INFO com.perforce.common.process.ProcessNode ... 54575.2 B:F - trunk/cedi/cedi-jbehave/jbehave-integration-tests/src/test/resources/us19_egate_e2e_volume_test.story (UTF-8) 21 Jul 2016 08:33:01,904 WARN com.perforce.common.client.P4Factory ... p4java: //idxedi_s2_t4/trunk/cedi/cedi-jbehave/jbehave-integration-tests/src/test/resources/us19_egate_e2e_volume_test.story - file(s) not on client. 21 Jul 2016 08:33:01,922 WARN com.perforce.common.client.P4Factory ... p4java: //idxedi_s2_t4/trunk/cedi/cedi-jbehave/jbehave-integration-tests/src/test/resources/us19_egate_e2e_volume_test.story - file(s) not opened on this client. The result is the new file does not get created, and the original file gets deleted. « | 6 years ago |
job000593 | Open | Norman Morse | Renaming a directory or a file (in case only) will fail to remove the old file or old directory con...tents. From case 00251808 During a case sensitive conversion on Linux Configuration: com.p4convert.p4.caseMode=FIRST com.p4convert.p4.lowerCase=true Renaming the .../FileQueuer directory to .../fileQueuer works, but a copy of .../FileQueuer remains. ---- SVN entry ------ Node-path: trunk/batch/java/src/com/idx/ec/web/struts/actions/queue/fileQueuer Node-kind: dir Node-action: add Node-copyfrom-rev: 40642 Node-copyfrom-path: trunk/batch/java/src/com/idx/ec/web/struts/actions/queue/FileQueuer Node-path: trunk/batch/java/src/com/idx/ec/web/struts/actions/queue/FileQueuer Node-action: delete ----conversion log------ 19 Jul 2016 18:14:36,746 INFO com.perforce.common.process.ProcessNode ... 40643.0 B:D - trunk/batch/java/src/com/idx/ec/web/struts/actions/queue/fileQueuer 19 Jul 2016 18:14:36,757 INFO com.perforce.svn.process.SvnProcessNode ... detected CASE rename operation 19 Jul 2016 18:14:36,757 INFO com.perforce.common.process.ProcessNode ... 40643.1 R:D - trunk/batch/java/src/com/idx/ec/web/struts/actions/queue/FileQueuer 19 Jul 2016 18:14:38,060 INFO com.perforce.common.process.ProcessChange ... mapping: r40643 => @137707 « | 6 years ago |
job000505 | Closed | Norman Morse | CVS import mode conversions do not properly escape some special characters in filepaths. In... particular '%' java.lang.Exception: Cannot create diretory: /home/realsupport/PUBLIC.Main.11901/p4_root/rti/main/RTI/RTI/devroot/rti-projects/SimConvert/examples/abrams.cdb/rotational_bumpstops.tbl/msc_0001.rbu25,d This is the file in CVS: /cvsroot/RTI/RTI/devroot/rti-projects/SimConvert/examples/abrams.cdb/rotational_bumpstops.tbl/Attic /msc_0001.rbu%25,d Example from case 00234251 « | 6 years ago |
job000343 | Open | Norman Morse | Converter Warnings on files with lock attributes in import mode: "can't change +l type with reope...n; use revert -k and then edit -t to change type." The file was converted in import mode and has these attributes: ... #1 change 730252 add on 2003/11/24 by xyzzy@plugh_stg (binary+Fl) I don't see any lost data, this may only be cosmetic, or not... customer case 00190893 This is related to a limitation in the release notes: SVN property svn:needs-lock cannot be imported to a distributed Perforce server and may raise the error: can't change +l type with reopen; use revert -k and then edit -t to change type. « | 6 years ago |
job000337 | Open | Norman Morse | Some Symbolic Links are not created in Perforce during an import mode SVN conversion. Convert mode... seems to work. This Problem has not been reproduced internally: Case 00176418 The Links were created in the initial SVN revision along with about 6000 other files. No errors are reported from the conversion and the filesnames are added to the auditlog.txt file, but the links are missing from Perforce depot. Target of the links are known to exist, and were created in the same submit as the links. Is there a race condition? Could it be Linux specific? I've asked customer for a Shrunken Dump, and I fixed some of the link entries, and I still was unable to reproduce this problem on my mac. « | 6 years ago |
job000334 | Open | Norman Morse | Warnings generated for "CASE-SENSITIVITY ISSUE" are deceptive and should be more informative. &nbs...p; Frequently a warning like this: 23:09:28,729 pool-1-thread-1 WARN com.perforce.svn.process.SvnProcessNode ... CASE-SENSITIVITY ISSUE: From node is missing from dataset; skipping! Please check case options and platform types. com.p4convert.p4.caseMode = NONE com.p4convert.p4.lowerCase = false Actually has to do with a node missing from the dataset, not just a Case Sensitivity issue. This error can also happen with filtered and/or corrupt subversion repositories. It would be much better to report the missing path and version. That way the user can diagnose the issue without requesting Subversion mini-dumps etc... I would like an error report like this: 23:09:28,729 pool-1-thread-1 WARN com.perforce.svn.process.SvnProcessNode ... From Node Missing From Dataset; Skipping! ... From Path: /path/to/file ... From Version: #### This could be a CASE-SENSITIVITY issue: Please check case options and platform types. com.p4convert.p4.caseMode = NONE com.p4convert.p4.lowerCase = false « | 6 years ago |
job000328 | Open | Norman Morse | Simplify target depot path configuration. It is easy to mess up the configuration of where conver...ted files will go during a conversion. You need to set TWO configuration options: com.p4convert.core.depotPath= depot_name com.p4convert.core.subPath=dir/dir/subdir These options should be combined into one target depot path parameter com.p4convert.core.targetDepotPath=//depot_name/dir/dir/subdir It is easy enough for the converter to strip the "//" and separate the depot name from the subpath, and generate the correct internal configuration. I have seen several users get very confused with the current configuration, we should change this to reduce support calls and make their life easier. « | 6 years ago |
job000318 | Closed | Bruce McPeek | p4convert aborts with complaint about JRE 1.7.x being required when 1.8.0_45 is installed. | 9 years ago |
job000299 | Open | Norman Morse | Support the creation of "empty" Perforce directories from empty Subversion directories. The conf...ig entries exist, but they are not hooked up. com.p4convert.svn.emptyDirEnabled=true com.p4convert.svn.emptyDirName=.placeholder From internal case 00149352 « | 6 years ago |
job000294 | Open | Karl Wirth | P4Convert: Initially uses environment user (SVN) Initially P4Convert picks up the P4USER from the... environment and runs commands against the Perforce server before switching to the user in the config file: (P4USER=FRED) Perforce server info: 2015/06/03 11:33:35 pid 18054 FRED@noclient [p4convert/PUBLIC.Main.12912] 'user-info' Perforce server info: 2015/06/03 11:33:35 pid 18054 FRED@noclient [p4convert/PUBLIC.Main.12912] 'user-users' Perforce server info: 2015/06/03 11:33:35 pid 18054 FRED@noclient [p4convert/PUBLIC.Main.12912] 'user-user -f -i' Perforce server info: 2015/06/03 11:33:35 pid 18054 p4-user@noclient [p4convert/PUBLIC.Main.12912] 'user-depots' Perforce server info: 2015/06/03 11:33:35 pid 18054 p4-user@noclient [p4convert/PUBLIC.Main.12912] 'user-depot -i' This causes the following error when protections stop the user from being created: Caught exception on exit com.perforce.p4java.exception.AccessException: Access for user 'FRED' has not been enabled by 'p4 protect'. « | 6 years ago |
job000292 | Closed | Norman Morse | Directions for enabling debugging in the converter are obsolete. All these directions refer to debug.log4j.xml while what is provided is The directions need to support the available files. « | 6 years ago |
job000291 | Open | Norman Morse | P4Convert needs to be able to scan all paths in a dump to see if they are legitimate or not and the...n report all illegal path errors in one pass. It should look for illegal characters, and illegal character sequences (like ...). The current behavior of crashing and then forcing a restart of the conversion for every illegal path is too time consuming and annoying for customers with large legacy dumps they wish to import into perforce. « | 6 years ago |
job000290 | Open | Norman Morse | Convert mode will store Perforce paths with illegal characters. Later attempts to integrate... these files to a different location in Perforce return an error similar to: "Non-printable characters not allowed in '//importisedepot/branches/ise_12_fcs_patch15_br/cpm/jars/devicedeploy/^?^?'. It also appears to be impossible (or extremely difficult) to delete, rename or obliterate these files since they have unprintable characters. In Import mode, these same files return the "Non-printable characters" error during conversion, so the resulting Perforce depot never gets the bad paths. Associated with case 00153828 « | 6 years ago |
job000238 | Open | ddvalk | It appears the CVS conversion isn't treating the 'Attic' directory properly. I have seen a few inst...ances where the attic versions are showing up in branches with labels as if they were regular files. What is the intended handling of the 'Attic' versions of the files? Should I clean out the attic before running the conversion? « | 6 years ago |
job000236 | Open | tardis | Add support for migration into stream depot. It would be helpful to be able to migrate the history... directly into a stream depot rather than a normal depot and then restructuring afterward. This is especially true if all you have is a trunk and no branches or tags. « | 6 years ago |
job000235 | Open | adrian_waters | backdoor cvs conversion generates multiple db.domain records for each label - not a major problem as... they get squashed to 1 when generated journal loaded « | 10 years ago |
job000234 | Open | adrian_waters | Add validation to user map file to trap spaces in the destination name; backdoor load will allow this through, but a front-door import will fail « | 10 years ago |
job000225 | Open | tardis | Labels are not getting created in Perforce. I created a small sample Subversion repository with onl...y one file under trunk. I then branched that file to a folder in the tags directory. I created the with ^tags/.* and set the config variables accordingly. The conversion run indicates: ... ^tags/.* ... Searching for labels... ... Branch map count: ... A:1 test_svp2p4labeltest which seems to indicate it sees the tag. The tags directory itself is not imported (as expected) but then no label is created in Perforce. « | 6 years ago |
job000223 | Open | jaishu | P4Convert tool fails to adhere to table and continues to migrate some *.txt files as binar...y and some *.dat files as text (despite having specific entries for each extension in typemap table) Reference Case # 00147162 « | 6 years ago |
job000221 | Duplicate | tardis | Currently if you don't have access to the Subversion server, you have to use rsvndump which is an ol...der tool that can be difficult to build, especially on Windows. P4Convert should support the output from svnrdump which is the official remote dumping tool supplied with Subversion. « | 7 years ago |
job000220 | Closed | Russell C. Jackson (...Rusty) « | Spaces in label names cause the converter to crash when labels=true Spaces should be replace...d with _ or something similar. « | 10 years ago |
job000219 | Closed | Norman Morse | Conversion summary reports warning count of 1 even though the log shows no warnings. Custome...r case 00143859. « | 10 years ago |
job000218 | Closed | tardis | Subversion tags with spaces in name result in crash when label conversion is on: com.perforce.p4jav...a.exception.RequestException: Error in label specification. Error detected at line 1. Wrong number of words for field 'Label'. at com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.server.Server.handleErrorStr( at com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.server.Server.createLabel( at com.perforce.common.label.LabelImport.<init>( at com.perforce.common.process.ProcessFactory.getLabel( at com.perforce.common.process.ProcessLabel.labelChange( at com.perforce.svn.process.SvnProcessNode.processDir( at com.perforce.common.process.ProcessNode.process( at com.perforce.svn.process.SvnProcessChange.processChange( at com.perforce.common.process.ProcessChange.runSingle( at at at Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) at Source) « | 6 years ago |
job000217 | Closed | ddvalk | Perforce labels spanning branches I'm using Convert mode and converting labels and branches. As it... stands, the labels are applied to various branch versions. For example: $ p4 -p 1666 files @IPX_C19 //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCG_28NM/rtl/rtl/files.f#5 - integrate change 247907 (ltext) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCG_28NM/rtl/rtl/ - integrate change 247935 (text+Fx) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCG_28NM/rtl/rtl/ - integrate change 247982 (text+Fx) ... //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCM63381_A0/rtl/rtl/ - integrate change 247971 (text+Fx) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCM63381_A0/rtl/rtl/ - integrate change 247858 (ltext) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCM63381_A0/rtl/rtl/ - integrate change 247859 (ltext) ... //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/main/rtl/rtl/ - import change 247738 (ltext) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/main/rtl/rtl/usb30_mdio_csreg_5.v#2 - integrate change 247439 (text+Fx) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/main/rtl/rtl/usb30_mdio_csreg_8.v#2 - integrate change 247439 (text+Fx) All these files reside in the same directory in the tree - only differing because of the branch directory. Since these labels are applied on different branches, I cannot 'sync' to a label and pick up the entire fileset in one place. In CVS I would be able to run 'cvs get -r <label> <module>' and end up with all files tagged with that particular label - no matter the branch. During conversion, would it make more sense to apply the label to all the files on a particular branch so they're all visible? « | 6 years ago |
job000214 | Open | Paul Allen | Symlink issue when mergeInfoEnabled Configuration: com.p4convert.svn.mergeInfoEnable...d=true Error: p4java: can't create directory for /hhh/xxx/src/sss.c p4java: //depot/xxx/src/sss.c - file(s) not on client. java.lang.Exception: Cannot create directory: /hhh/xxx/src at com.perforce.common.ConverterException.<init>( at at com.perforce.common.asset.AssetWriter.writeClientFile( at com.perforce.common.asset.AssetWriter.write( at com.perforce.svn.change.RevisionImport.writeClientFile( at com.perforce.svn.change.RevisionImport.dirtyEdit( at com.perforce.svn.change.RevisionImport.integFile( at com.perforce.svn.change.ChangeImport.addRevision( at com.perforce.common.node.NodeImport.fileAction( at com.perforce.common.node.NodeImport.action( at com.perforce.svn.process.SvnProcessNode.processFile( at com.perforce.common.process.ProcessNode.process( at com.perforce.svn.process.SvnProcessChange.processChange( at com.perforce.common.process.ProcessChange.runSingle( at at at at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at Caught exception on exit com.perforce.common.ConverterException at at com.perforce.common.asset.AssetWriter.writeClientFile( at com.perforce.common.asset.AssetWriter.write( at com.perforce.svn.change.RevisionImport.writeClientFile( at com.perforce.svn.change.RevisionImport.dirtyEdit( at com.perforce.svn.change.RevisionImport.integFile( at com.perforce.svn.change.ChangeImport.addRevision( at com.perforce.common.node.NodeImport.fileAction( at com.perforce.common.node.NodeImport.action( at com.perforce.svn.process.SvnProcessNode.processFile( at com.perforce.common.process.ProcessNode.process( at com.perforce.svn.process.SvnProcessChange.processChange( at com.perforce.common.process.ProcessChange.runSingle( at at at at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at Caught EXIT shutting down ... « | 6 years ago |
job000211 | Open | Paul Allen | SVN Symlinks: missing '\n' on the archive file? | 10 years ago |
job000210 | Closed | Norman Morse | Documentation needs to specify that the import mode perforce user should have an "Unlimited" l...ogin timeout or large imports may fail. Typical error is: Caught exception on exit com.perforce.p4java.exception.AccessException: Your session has expired, please login again. at com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.server.Server.handleErrorStr( at com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.server.Server.updateClient( at com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.client.Client.update( « | 10 years ago |
job000209 | Closed | ddvalk | Unable to process file: /projects/engcm_icm_scratch/CVS_CONVERSION/usb30phy/cvsrepo/rtl/,v java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor3.newInstance(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance( at com.perforce.cvs.parser.rcstypes.RcsObject.add( at com.perforce.cvs.parser.RcsReader.parsePhrase( at com.perforce.cvs.parser.RcsReader.parseRcsDeltas( at com.perforce.cvs.parser.RcsReader.<init>( at com.perforce.cvs.process.CvsProcessChange.buildBranchList( at com.perforce.cvs.process.CvsProcessChange.processChange( at com.perforce.common.process.ProcessChange.runSingle( at at at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun( at at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString( at java.lang.Integer.parseInt( at java.lang.Integer.parseInt( at com.perforce.cvs.parser.rcstypes.RcsObjectNum.<init>( at com.perforce.cvs.parser.rcstypes.RcsObjectNumList.<init>( ... 17 more « | 6 years ago |
job000208 | Open | Norman Morse | SVN Excludes are not working In a known good SVN conversion environment, I have added an "excludes....txt" file. And although the converter picks up the file and the exclude entries, it never Verifies the map or ultimately excludes any paths. The initial output is as follows: -------------------- jar build version: PUBLIC.Main.12441 java.version: 1.7.0_45 loading ChangeMap: changeMap.txt loading TypeMap: conversion mode: IMPORT (front-door) importing revs: 1 to 976 out of 976 ^tags/.* ^legacy_one/* Searching for labels... Branch map count: 1.0 A:D - legacy mapping: r1 => @1 ------------------ « | 10 years ago |
job000207 | Closed | Norman Morse | The default.cfg file provided with the download is missing required fields: > java.lang.Except...ion: Cannot find 'com.p4convert.p4.depotPath' in the configuration file. > Please check or regnerate your configuration. After regenerating the config file, and comparing to the one in the distribution, I discovered the following entries were missing from the distributed version: com.p4convert.p4.caseMode=NONE com.p4convert.p4.charset=<none> com.p4convert.p4.client=p4-client com.p4convert.p4.clientRoot=/Volumes/CaseSensitive/cases/00143859/p4convert/PUBLIC.Main.12441/ws/ com.p4convert.p4.depotPath=import com.p4convert.p4.downgrade=false com.p4convert.p4.jnlIndex=0 com.p4convert.p4.jnlPrefix=jnl. com.p4convert.p4.lineEnding=true « | 10 years ago |
job000206 | Closed | ddvalk | I'm using the CVS conversion in "CONVERT" mode. I'm getting a "jnl.0" file but no "depot" directory... structure. Where would that be going? Am I missing something in these recent versions of the converter? « | 10 years ago |
job000205 | Open | jaishu | Typemap needs to support files which don't have extensions. Unable to typemap "curl" files becaus...e they lack an extension. « | 10 years ago |
job000203 | Closed | Norman Morse | p4convert documentation should be available from the project page. There should either be an... html link or a link to the latest generated pdf documentation available This is more important since the documentation for p4convert-cvs has been removed from the perforce web site. « | 6 years ago |